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Sunday 21 August 2011

Books on offer

I've been contacted by Bob Leahy in the USA who has a number of books about Pompeii and Herculaneum that he would like to donate to a scholar or library (preferably in the USA). Would anyone be interested in the following, as described by Bob:

'I've come into the possession of four 1940s printed book guides to Pompeii and Herculaneum. They were intended to help tourists understand what they were seeing at those sites. Two of them seem to have been issued by the Italian government. They were inherited by a friend who doesn't know what to do with them. A relative was stationed in Italy during WWII, and picked them up there. When her parents died, she inherited of a box of similar items.
1.  It is simply entitled "Herculaneum".  It is 116 pages long.  It is produced by the Ministero Della Educazione Nazionale.  It is number 53 of a series of guide books to museums and monuments in Italy.  I can't find a copyright date, but I'd bet on 1944.  It has a gray soft-bound cover.
2.  It is simply entitled "Pompeii".  It is 149 pages long.  It is produced by the Ministero Della Educazione Nazionale.  It is number 3 of a series of guide books to museums and monuments in Italy.  I can't find a copyright date, but I'd bet on 1944.  It has a gray soft-bound cover.

3.  It is entitled "A Companion To The Visit Of Herculaneum".  It was written by Amedeo Maiuri.  It is 31 pages long.  It was published in 1944.  It has a white soft-bound cover.

4.  It is entitled "Pompeii - The Best Guide - Book To The Ruins".  It was written by Dr. M. Della Corte.  It is 56 pages long.  It was published in 1944.  It has a white soft-bound cover.'
Email me if you would like the books.

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