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Friday 24 September 2010

A trip down memory lane: the Unpeeling Pompeii exhibition, 1998.

Rick Bauer persuaded me to scan my photos of the 1998 Unpeeling Pompeii exhibition. That brought back some memories! And, although I'm a terrible photographer, I wonder whether some of you might be interested to see the photos too, so they are attached below. And now I'm also wondering if anyone else would like to share some memories of Pompeii - events, excavations or anything you want to post that you think the rest of us would enjoy seeing. Go on - share some memories!

BTW, the Unpeeling Pompeii catalogue can still be purchased: Pompeii Archaeological Guidebooks: Unpeeling Pompeii - Studies in Region 1 of Pompeii v. 3

The Boy Successus, from the House of Successus, I.9.3  
A staged excavation!
A triclinium
Different types of amphorae found at Pompeii
A shop
Some of the panels made for display on site (AWH to right!)
More panels. Some can still be seen around site.
Installation! Vittorio Celentano, Antonio D'Ambrosio, Salvatore Vitiello, Ciro Sicigniano, Salvatore Nappo and two others I can't identify ... 

The mule and dog found in the House of Amarantus, I.9.12
Kitchen and table wares
The exhibition included lots of archival photos

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jo

    We would love to offer a home for any pictures, including those of paintings or artefacts, that anyone has. We can reunite them with their original house, and room (if it is known), on pompeiiinpictures.com. Credit would of course be given to the owner.

    Could we use your picture of the donkey and dog, if it is available? We would place it in the front room (was it the one left or right of the entrance, the book doesn't say?) Do you have any others of the bar/house of Amarantus that would add new material to the site?

    If anyone does have any pictures please could they email us with them or to arrange their transfer.

    best wishes
    Jackie and Bob at pompeiiinpictures


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