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Friday 10 December 2010

Measuring the capacity

There have been questions about measuring the capacity of vessels in some earlier posts . I came across these publications in a recent Finnish article on subject (Jani Oravisjärvi: "Pohdintaa astioiden tilavuuden määrittämisessä", Fossa 1 / 2010) and thought that they might be of help and interest.

* The world is in your eyes: CAA 2005: Computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology: proceedings of the 33rd conference, Tomar, March 2005 / edited by Alexandra Figueiredo and Gonçalo Velho. Publication Tomar : CAA Portugal, 2007.

* A. MAZAR: Excavations at Tel Beth-Shean 1989–1996, Volume I --> Appendix 2A: A. Karasik and U. Smilansky: Computation of the Capacity of Pottery Vessels Based on Drawn Profiles , see: http://www.rehov.org/project/beit-shean_vol_1.htm

* Mara, H., Sablatnig, R., Karasik, A. & Smilansky, U. 2004. “The uniformity of wheel-produced pottery deduced from 3D image processing and scanning”, in W. Burger & J. Scharinger (eds.), Digital Imaging in Media and Education: Proceedings of the 28th Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (June 17-18, 2004), Hagenberg: OAGM/AARP: 197-204.

* Karasik, A., Bitton, L., Gilboa, A., Sharon, I. & Smilansky U. in press. “Quantitative measures of the uniformity of ceramics”, in F. Niccolucci & S. Hermon (eds.), Beyond the Artifact: Digital Interpretation of the Past (CAA 2004, Proceedings of the 32nd Conference, Prato, Italy, 13-17 April 2004), Budapest: Archeolingua.
See also article & bibliography in: http://archive1.village.virginia.edu/spw4s/Beyond/BAR/Karasik.pdf

* Louise M. Senior, Dunbar P. Birnie: Accurately Estimating. Vessel Volume from Profile Illustrations”, American. Antiquity 60, 2 (1995), 324-330

* Michael E. Whalen: Ceramic Vessel Size Estimation from Sherds: An Experiment and a Case Study, Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Summer, 1998), pp. 219-227

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this, Laura. These sources do look interesting! I've forwarded this post by email to Sally Grainger in case she doesn't see it right away on here!



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