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Wednesday 26 January 2011

Pompeii Papers, AIAC, Rome

For those of us in Rome next month, the next AIAC meeting has three papers related to Pompeii (including one by yours truly)

The details:

Febbraio/February 2011

07 - Lun/Mon
ore 17.00
Incontri AIAC

Vivere in città. Urbanistica, servizi, continuità e trasformazioni (moderatore: Fabrizio Pesando – Università degli Studi di Napoli - L'Orientale)

- Heini Ynnilä (Institutum Romanum Finlandiae), Meaningful insula. Bridging the gap between large and small scale studies of urban living conditions.

- Thomas Staub (Svenska Institutet i Rom - Universities of Stockholm and Freiburg), The use and distribution of water in the Casa del Torello di bronzo (V 1,7) in Pompeii.

- Duncan Keenan-Jones (British School at Rome - Macquarie University, Sydney), Allocation of water resources in the Bay of Naples in antiquity: the evidence of pipe-stamps.

- Elizabeth C. Robinson (American Academy in Rome - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Continuity and Transformation in Larinum and its Surroundings from 400 BCE to 100 CE.
Università degli Studi di Roma Tre - Piazza della Repubblica 10, Aula didattica, I piano



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