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Wednesday 16 February 2011

Back in Pompeii


Does anyone know the origin of the marble decoration around the main entrance to the Edificio di Eumachia? I have researched numerous 19th-century writings that make no mention of it; neither does it seem to appear in 19th century etchings and photographs. Does anyone know where this beautiful work was discovered and when the portal was reconstructed?

I'm returning to Napoli 8 - 12 March 2011 to do more research for my ongoing (and seemingly never-ending) book project. A few quick questions:

1. Are the Herculaneum's theater and Villa dei Papiri currently open to the public?

2. Also, are there any Pompeii-related special exhibits or events during my week in Campania that you'd recommend?

3. Lastly, I am always seeking additions to my Pompeii map and prints collection. I will be visiting Signore Bowinkel's wonderful shop in Napoli, but would like to learn about any antique shops in the area that might be worth a look.

Thanking you all in advance for your indulgence and time in responding.

Best regards,


  1. You can check Kurt Wallat's work for that, if you have that somewhere near you. I thought he reconstructed it as actually misplaced and belonging to the building next door.

  2. Hello!

    In regards to access to Herculaneum's theatre and the Villa of the Papyri, you should attempt to contact Sarah Court at the Herculaneum Conservation Project. It is possible that she might be able to liase on your behalf for access. I have heard that even with research requests in hand, on some occassions access to the villa has been refused but you should still try! s.court@herculaneum.org

    As for visiting exhibitions, do visit the MAV in Herculaneum which has a virtual reconstruction of the city (search this blog to find more info) but do go to the Museo Archaeologico Nazionale di Napoli where the finds from the Vesuvian excavations are held. There webpage is http://museoarcheologiconazionale.campaniabeniculturali.it/
    They are closed on Tuesday, however!

    All the best!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Ross,

    I'm not sure about the origins of the Edificio di Eumachia but I recall reading that it was removed and later returned to site at a later date so maybe that is why it doesn’t show up in the record. I’ll see if I can confirm this for you though.

    Villa dei Papiri was open last year but only on certain days and pre booked and there are better people on list to advise on the current status than I. The theatre is not open to the public, I got permissions 2 seasons ago to access it but had to sign additional disclaimers and find someone willing to act as a guide to take me down (which was only achieved through serendipity and my research area which is the theatre at Pompeii).

    On the map an print side I appear to have accidently acquired a large quantity of material during my research including, postcards, prints glass slides so I’ll go through them and see if there is anything depicting Edificio di Eumachia for you, and of course I am happy to share resources with you and the rest of the group.

    If you have the time you should go see Oplontis, Boscoreale and Stabia too, so often overlooked.

    Best regards

  5. The Villa and the theatre are not open to the public at present. It is not normally possible to see the theatre but you can probably visit the Villa if you write to the Soprintendenza and ask for special permission.
    Otherwise try emailing the HCP. Just in case you want to use the National Library, it is impossible at present. Only 2 small readings rooms are open and no OPAC is available for general use. I was there last week.
    Ia McIlwaine


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