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Friday 22 April 2011

Article: Ancient Roman mausoleum found under tonnes of garbage

Ancient Roman mausoleum found under tonnes of garbage Pozzuoli 
20 April (AKI) - Italian police near Naples discovered a 2,000-year-old Roman-era mausoleum buried under tons of illegally-dumped garbage.
The mausoleum, which dates back to the second century AD, was found by police hidden beneath 58 tonnes of garbage in the coastal town Pozzuoli while they were impounding the site they say was used to illegally dispose of waste.
Police used earth-moving equipment to dig through the garbage revealing the entrance to the mausoleum which was used to hide refuse.
Marble beams and decorations came to light after trash was removed from the tunnel.
The owner and user of the 1,700 square meter site are accused of breaking Italian environmental and archeological conservation laws.

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