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Wednesday 6 April 2011

Fasti Reports

Here is a list of excavation reports from Pompeii published on Fasti Online since it began in 2000. It's interesting to see both HOW MUCH work has taken place at Pompeii, and WHERE it has taken place - predominantly in Regions VI, VII and IX, but nothing in Regions II and III, and little in Regions I and VIII. Presumably this has something to do with the state of preservation of these parts of the site (I suppose you could argue that Regions I and II are well preserved, but all that modern cement makes things difficult ...), but I'd be interested to know if anyone else has a theory about this.

It's also remarkable that all of this data should be on-line and available to everyone, even though the final  publications of many of these excavations/projects have not yet appeared. So a big thank you to everyone who has published their work on Fasti Online, and a big thank you to the people at Fasti Online too!

NB. Everyone should know that publishing field reports on Fasti Online has recently become a condition for getting a permit to work at Pompeii. If you don't publish a report on each year's work, you won't get a permit to continue that work in future years.

Public buildings, streets, gates, villas and necropoli:
Forum and here
Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia
Porta Capua
Necropoli di Porta Nocera
Area B Sud Porta Nocera
Le Terme Centrali
Bars with marble surfaces at Pompeii: evidence for sub-elite marble use
Temple of Venus and here
Regiones III - IX 
Via degli Augustali - Macellum
Villa delle Colonne a mosaico
Sanctuario della Fortuna Augusta
Viccolo della Fullonica

Region I
Casa dei Quattro Stili I.8.17 (wrong name in Fasti!) 
Panificio I.12.1 - 2

Region V
Casa di Caecilius Jucundus
Regio V, insula 3 (Casa della soffitta, V.3.3 - 4; Pistrinum, V.3.8)

V.3 and 4
Vicolo di Marcus Lucretius Fronto V.4
Regio V.5 (Casa dei Gladiatori) and here

Region VI
Regio VI, Vicus di Modesto. Saggio A
Regio VI, Vicus di Modesto. Saggio B
Regio VI, Insula 2, Aggere
Casa di Sallustio (VI.2.2 - 4)
Casa delle Amazzoni, VI.2.14
Casa di Narcisso, Regio VI.2.16 - 21
Stabulum (Casa dell' Esedra) VI.2.18 - 19
Casa di Iside, Regio VI.2.17 - 20, amb. 15 e 16
Casa di Iside Regio VI.2.17 - 20 Progetto Regio VI

Casa del Fauno
Vicolo del Fauno. Saggio 1
Vicolo del Fauno. Saggio 2 
Vicolo del Fauno VI.5.5
Casa del Granduca Michele VI.5.5
Regio VI.5.7 
Casa dei Fiori, Regio VI.5.9 - 10, 19
House VI.8.20 - 21.2
Regio VI.9.3 - 5
VI.14.21 - 22
Regio VI.14.39 - 40
Taberna VI.15
VI.17 (ins. Oc.). 41 

Region VII
Regio VII Insula 2 pars occidentalis
Shop VII.2.41
Regio VII, Insula 3
Casa di Arianna (VII.4.31 - 51)
Panificio VII.12.13
Casa del Marinaio VII.15.1 - 2 

Regio VII.15.3
Regio VII. 15.6
Regio VII.15.8
Casa di Marco Fabio Rufo VII.16 

Region VIII
Sacello VIII.4.24
Region IX
Regio IX
Casa du M. Epidio Sabino (IX.1.29)
Panificio IX.3.19 - 20

Domus IX.7.18
Domus IX.7.21
Domus IX.7.26
Insula dei Casti Amanti (IX.12)
Casa dei Casti Amanti

Casa di Marcus Lucretius 

Other sites
Piana del Sarno
Cava Ranieri
Via Galatina, prop. De Rosa
Casa dell'Atrio a Mosaico, Ercolano
Rione Terra
Punta Calcarella - localita Pignatella

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