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Friday 8 April 2011

Vesuvian Area presentations at CAA, Beijing

Several papers on topics pertaining to the Vesuvian area will be presented next week at the Computer Applications in Archaeology conference in Beijing. See here for the conference itself: http://www.caa2011.org/#home|default

The papers are (but forgive me if I miss any as I'm going just by the obviousness of their titles - and of course it can be well-argued that given a conference of this kind, many more papers ought to be relevant to what many of us do in Vesuvian archaeology):

Accurately Simulating Polychrome Statuary Using Experimentally Derived Data: A Case Study from Herculaneum
Gareth Beale, Graeme Earl

The ‘Paper-less’ Project: the use of iPads in the excavations at Pompeii
John L. Wallrodt, Steven J.R. Ellis

How to cross the Sarno River? A case study using innovative GIS based technologies to assess the AD 79 road network in the Sarno River plain (Italy)
Florian Seiler, Michael Maeker, Sebastian Vogel

Pompeii's hinterland. Assessment of the spatial distribution of Roman Villas in the Sarno River Plain before AD 79
Sebastian Vogel, Florian Seiler, Michael Maeker

Looks like it'll be another great conference.
Steven Ellis

1 comment:

  1. Of course I forgot one...:

    Modeling of post-AD 79 volcanic deposits of Somma-Vesuvius to reconstruct the pre-AD 79 topography of the Sarno River plain (Italy)
    Sebastian Vogel, Michael Maeker, Florian Seiler


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