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Thursday 5 May 2011

ANNOUNCEMENT: 1st Symposium on the Preservation of Complex Digital Objects

For anyone who is working with complex digital objects, 3D models, simulations and visualisations I have convened a symposia (as part of POCOS funded through JISC) to discuss the problem of long-term preservation of complex digital material. Prof John Clarke will be giving the keynote on the Oplontis Project (and I am vey grateful to him as he will be flying in direct from the villa). There will be a number of presentations by people who have an interest in both digital technologies and archaeology in the Campagnia region  

Symposium on the Preservation of Complex Digital Objects

Date: 16th – 17th June 2011. King’s College London, UK
Website: http://www.pocos.org/
Key Note Speaker: Professor John Clarke, University of Texas at Austin, will be presenting on The Oplontis Project a “born digital” project.

Over the past 20 years the affordability and accessibility of computing to the research community has increasingly meant that outputs of research are digital datasets and assets. Over the past few years many project deliverables and outputs are exclusively “born digital”. While the scholarly community has been encouraged to and seen the potential of harnessing the power of computing to produce such complex digital objects there has been less interest in what happens to these once a project has been concluded. Where is your data? Who looks after your data? Can you still access your data? Can anyone? Will anyone be able to look at your work in 5, 10, 20 years time?

While a great deal of research work has already been done on the preservation of individual files in a single format, additional challenges confront owners of complex digital objects, where interrelated or even embedded files in multiple formats require the preservation of the file relationships and context as well as the content.

The POCOS symposia will examine the issues which arise in a number of specific areas – the first of which is the preservation of Digital Visualisations and Simulations.

The POCOS symposia are supported by JISC, and there is no charge for attendance, although a contribution of £10 will be requested from delegates upon arrival at the event towards the costs of lunches and tea/coffee (receipts will be issued).

King’s College have negotiated a discount at the nearby Strand Palace Hotel which delegates wishing to do so can use if booking overnight accommodation. Details will be sent to delegates once their booking at the symposium has been confirmed.

Bookings are now open at the project website – however, space is limited so please book early. A waiting list will be maintained once the symposium is fully booked in case of late cancellations


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