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Wednesday 22 June 2011

Pottery database: FACEM

This database from Universitat Wien looks potentially very useful (thanks to Anna Kieberg for sending me the link):
Provenance Studies on Pottery
in the Southern Central Mediterranean from the 6th to the 2nd c. B.C.

Facem (= Fabrics of the Central Mediterranean) is a database for specialists of Greek, Punic and Roman pottery. Its aim is to give an overview of production centres in the Central Mediterranean region by presenting images and descriptions of fabrics.

We are proud to present the first release of FACEM on 6th of June 2011. In this version mainly samples from the area of Magna Grecia and from the Central Mediterranean Punic area are included, and to a minor degree also fabrics from the Greek mainland and from the North- and East Aegean region which have come to the sampling area as imports.
See here for more information about FACEM, details about how to use the database, and access to a collection of PDF articles on different fabrics.

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