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Tuesday 4 October 2011

Herculaneum Society AGM Meeting

Posted on behalf of the Herculaneum Society:
The Herculaneum Society (www.herculaneum.ox.ac.uk) will be holding its AGM meeting this Saturday 8 October at the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LU.  It will begin at 15.00 with the AGM, followed by tea at 16.00 and at 16.30 Lindsey Davis will be giving a talk entitled: "Damnatio Memoriae, a reflection on the challenge of writing a novel about Domitian".  This will be followed by a wine reception when you will have an opportunity to ask Lindsey any additional questions about Domitian (or even Falco).  Those of you who would like to join us for an early dinner at La Strada (Little Clarendon Street) at 18.30, please do, but just let the office know in advance.  Also, please let us know if you will be attending the Meeting so that we have an idea of numbers (herculaneum@classics.ox.ac.uk or telephone 01865 288260).

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