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Wednesday 12 October 2011

A question about past exhibitions

Kenneth Lapatin asks:

In preparation for an exhibition about the modern reception of Pompeii and the Vesuvian cities that will open at the Getty Villa next year and travel on to the Cleveland Museum of Art and the Musee national des beaux-arts du Quebec, I am compiling a list of exhibitions of related to Pompeii and other Vesuvian sites for publication as an appendix in the exhibition catalogue, The Last Days of Pompeii: Decadence, Apocalypse, Resurrection. The list now has over two hundred entries, and surely has some omissions, but I seek information particularly about four exhibitions that toured Japan, specifically the cities, museums, and dates in which they appeared:

1) I have seen vague references to a show in 1950 or 1951, which, if not mythical, would be the first post-war exhibition of Pompeian material.

2) "La vita quotidiana nell' antichità Romana" in 1976

3) "Picta Fragmenta" in 1997

4) "L'Archeologia del Vulcano" in 2000

Any leads, including references to published catalogues, would be most appreciated. (Once the list is complete, I hope also to post it on the web, so that it can be amended and kept up to date.)


  1. Posted on behalf of Ia McIllwaine:

    'The 1951 was held at Osaka, Oct 20-Nov. 30 1951 and is reported in the printed Fasti archeologici 6, 1951, p. 29 item 267. There were over 200 bphotographs, some supplied by Maiuri, maps, models & realia including vases, paintings, instruments and mosaics. c50,000 visited the exhibition.

    Pompei: Picta fragmenta was held at Turin-Lingotto 12 Sept. 1997- 10 Jan 1998. Catalogue pub. London & Turin, Allemandi, 1997. Also pub. in Japanese with Italian text supplement Yokohama, Museum of Art, 1997. 2vols. The Japanese exhibition was held at Yokohama Museum of Art, 5 July - 31 August 1997.

    Hope this helps a bit.

    Ia McIlwaine'

  2. Many thanks Ia !!
    This is very helpful.

  3. There were at least two in Japan, probably at the Museum of Western Art in Tokyo, one in the late 1960s, taken there by Giuseppina Cerulli-Irelli, and one in 1975 or 1976, also taken there by Giuseppina, along with a number of the staff at Pompeii, including Domenico Pelli. The first one must have been sent by Alfonso De Franciscis. You could e-mail Giuseppina Cerulli to find out more about them, and use my name as the reference to her. Her e-mail is irelli@alice.it.

    Anne Laidlaw

    There were lots of special exhibitions in 1979 in the US and abroad, but you probably have those.


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