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Thursday 24 November 2011

Book: Rome, Ostia, Pompeii: Movement and Space

Out today; congratulations to Ray and Dave!

Ray Laurence and David Newsome (eds) Rome, Ostia, Pompeii: Movement and Space (Oxford University Press, 2011)

Rome, Ostia, Pompeii: Movement and Space demonstrates how studies of the Roman city are shifting focus from static architecture to activities and motion within urban spaces. This volume provides detailed case studies from the three best-known cities from Roman Italy, revealing how movement contributes to our understanding of the ways different elements of society interacted in space, and how the movement of people and materials shaped urban development.

The chapters in this book examine the impressions left by the movement of people and vehicles as indentations in the archaeological and historical record, and as impressions upon the Roman urban consciousness. Through a broad range of historical issues, this volume studies movement as it is found at the city gate, in public squares and on the street, and as it is represented in texts. Its broad objective is to make movement meaningful for understanding the economic, cultural, political, religious, and infrastructural behaviours that produced different types and rhythms of interaction in the Roman city.

This volume's interdisciplinary approach will inform the understanding of the city in classics, ancient history, archaeology, and architectural history, as well as cultural studies, town planning, urban geography, and sociology.

Introduction David J. Newsome: Making Movement Meaningful
Part I: Articulating Movement and Space
1: Diana Spencer: Movement and the Linguistic Turn: Reading Varro s de Lingua Latina
2: Ray Laurence: Literature and the Spatial Turn: Movement and Space in Martial s Epigrams
3: Akkelies van Nes: Measuring spatial visibility, adjacency, permeability and degrees of street life in Pompeii
4: Eleanor Betts: Towards a Multisensory Experience of Movement in the City of Rome
Part II: Movement in the Roman city: infrastructure and organisation
5: Jeremy Hartnett: The Power of Nuisances on the Roman Street
6: Steven Ellis: Pes dexter: Superstition and the state in the shaping of shop-fronts and street activity in the Roman world
7: Alan Kaiser: Cart Traffic Flow in Pompeii and Rome
8: Where to Parka Carts, Stables and the Economics of Transport in Pompeii
9: Hanna Stöger: The Spatial Organisation of the Movement Economy: The Analysis of Ostia s scholae
Part III: Movement and the Metropolis
10: Claire Holleran: The Street Life of Ancient Rome
11: Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis: The City in Motion: Walking for transport and leisure in the city of Rome
12: David J. Newsome: Movement and Fora in Rome (the Late Republic to the first century CE)
13: Francesco Trifilò: Movement, gaming and the use of space in the forum
14: Diane Favro: Construction Traffic in Imperial Rome: Building the Arch of Septimius Severus
15: Simon Malmberg and Hans Bjur: Movement and urban development at two city gates in Rome: the Porta Esquilina and Porta Tiburtina
Endpiece Ray Laurence: From Movement to Mobility: Future Directions

Available from OUP, but as usual cheaper on Amazon (at least in the UK):


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