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Thursday 14 June 2012

Electronic resource: the Getty Research Portal

Another rich electronic resource: the Getty Research Portal
From the Iris:
The Getty Research Institute has just launched the Getty Research PortalTM, an unprecedented resource that will provide broad, free access to digitized texts in the field of art and architectural history.
The Getty Research Portal is a free online search gateway that aggregates descriptive metadata of digitized art history texts, with links to fully digitized copies that are free to download. Art historians, curators, students, or anyone who is culturally curious can unearth these valuable sources of research without traveling from place to place to browse the stacks of the world’s art libraries. There will be no restrictions to use the Getty Research Portal; all you need is access to the Internet.
There are about 20,000 digitized art history texts already included in the Portal, with more to come as more works are digitized and art libraries around the world continue to join the effort. 
The Research Institute worked with a number of institutions to create the Getty Research Portal—the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library at Columbia University, the Frick Art Reference Library, and the Thomas J. Watson Library of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, as well as members of the New York Art Resources Consortium; the Biblioteca de la Universidad de Málaga in Málaga, Spain; the Institut national d’histoire de l’art in Paris; and the Heidelberg University Library.
More here.

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