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Monday 20 August 2012

Searching CIL by Pompeii addresses?

A friend recently asked if there is a way or resource to search by the Region/Insula/Civico address system.  within the CIL texts covering Pompeii and the surrounding areas.

I am not aware of a such a system and thought to check with the Blogging Pompeii community. As I understand it, one requires a reference to a specific CIL number as they are not catalogued according to address. We'd be happy to know the thoughts of others!



  1. Interesting – if there is not then perhaps this could be a Blogging Pompeii developed project using the community crowd source. Would anyone be interested in investigating this if such a resource did not exist?

  2. The inscriptions are arranged region by region in each chapter (by chapters I mean the "tituli picti, graphio inscripta etc.), or at least "sort of". In first vol. the addresses do not follow the region system we have today, but are arranged by street names used in the time of the excavation (map is provided in the volume).
    The later volumes follow more or less the region system, but there are some exceptions. The Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby (http://oracle-vm.ku-eichstaett.de:8888/epigr/epigraphik_en) does not not give information about the provenance of the texts, so one has to check it up in the actual CIL collection.
    I have been collecting the locations of inscriptions on Regions I, VI and VII (in project Inscribed Text in Its Spatial Context in Ancient Rome, https://tuhat.halvi.helsinki.fi/portal/en/projects/inscribed-text-in-i%28f1122f89-b1e5-4316-9c25-41db2e7e2318%29.html). There are however, maybe too many of X-factors for an accurate catalogue, esp. concerning the first volume, since the original locations are fairly carelessly documented.

  3. Thank you, Laura, for your detailed explanation and help. I'm afraid the interlibrary loan copy of the text in question did not see it fit to lend the map as well (worries about loss or something). I must say I personally do not find the CIL volumes the easiest to work with, even the newest!
    THank you!

  4. Have you seen SANP 29 Titulorum Pictorum Pompeianorum...CIL IV... by Varone and Stefani?

    This book is organised by numerical address. It is photographs showing the inscriptions in their location. It is beautiful old SAP photos mostly taken when the inscriptions were new.

    If no photo was taken the location is not included in the book. This is a short explanation.

    Hope it helps. Jackie and Bob

  5. Picking up on what Drew said, I would imagine that there are quite a few of us who have ploughed through CIL the hard way picking up the references for our own projects. I know I did earlier this year cross-referencing to the early records for VI.1. Perhaps we already have the core of such an index.

  6. The DAIR site has downloadable copies of the CILs at these links:
    CIL IV 1871
    CIL IV Supp 1 1898
    CIL IV Supp II 1909
    Adobe Acrobat or Reader search facility may help.

    Jackie and Bob

  7. As Jackie & Bob already mentioned, some of the volumes are digitized already (and the vol. 1 map is there as well if I remember correctly). In my own work I have also found the Pompeiiinpicures most helful also, so thank you Jackie & Bob!


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