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Friday 21 September 2012

Event: Herculaneum at the Lichfield Literary Festival

Date for your UK diaries: 1 October.
Chance to see Andrew Wallace-Hadrill talking about Herculaneum and his latest book at the Lichfield Literary Festival:

"In AD 79, the volcano Vesuvius erupted, burying the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum under ash and rock, and leaving them remarkably well preserved for centuries. While Pompeii has been extensively written about and popularized, the remains of its sister city, a smaller yet wealthier community close to the sea, are less widely known, but they have yielded spectacular archaeological evidence.
Herculaneum is based on the latest excavation work and incorporates much new material that has revolutionized our understanding of the site. It is the definitive overview of what we know and understand about Herculaneum, of what is still unknown and mysterious, and of the potential for future discoveries in both archaeological and political contexts."

More here.

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