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Wednesday 17 April 2013

Book: Privata Luxuria – Towards an Archaeology of Intimacy: Pompeii and Beyond

Out recently:
Anna Anguissola (ed.), Privata Luxuria – Towards an Archaeology of Intimacy: Pompeii and Beyond. International Workshop Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (24–25 March 2011). Munich: Herbert Utz Verlag GmbH, 2012.
I. A Space of One’s Own  
1. A Bedroom of One’s Own (Laura Nissinen) 
2. The Dynamics of Seclusion. Observations on the Casa del Labirinto and the Casa degli Amorini Dorati at Pompeii (Anna Anguissola) 
II. Work and Leisure under One Roof 
1. Working and Living Under One Roof: Workshops in Pompeian Atrium Houses (Miko Flohr)

2. Pompeian Cauponae in Their Spatial Context: Interaction between Bars, Inns, and Houses (Antonio Calabrò)

III. Quantifying Privacy 
1. The Form and Function of Boundaries in the Campanian House (M. Taylor Lauritsen) 
2. Domestic Spaces and Commercial Activities in Selected Domus of Regiones V and VI at Pompeii (Chiara Maratini)

IV. Organizing Privacy 
1. Spatial Organization in Middle-Class Houses of III and II c. B.C. at Pompeii: The Example of the Casa del Granduca Michele (VI 5,5) (Dora D’Auria)
2. Transformation of Domestic Space in the Vesuvian Cities: From the Development of the Upper Floors and Façades to a New Dimension of Intimacy (Riccardo Helg)

V. Privacy beyond Pompeii 
1. Intimacy in the Cubiculum: From Textual Sources to Material Evidence in Roman Africa and Iberia (Margherita Carucci) 
2. Comparing Houses. Domestic Architecture in Ephesos from the Mid Imperial Period to Late Antiquity (Helmut Schwaiger)

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