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Monday 21 October 2013

Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Project's first update published.

Almost four years ago, Francesca Tronchin interviewed me for Blogging Pompeii on my plans for Pompeiana.org and some bold predictions were made:

I am encouraged by the power of this organizational structure to believe that the GIS will in the future be the primary platform for using Pompeiana.org. By linking the searchable bibliography, full-text articles and books, online images, and other electronic resources to each property, research can be done by simply clicking on the location of interest to bring together all of these materials in one place. It’s a big project, but so were the indispensable works of the PPM, the CTP, and Garcia y Garcia’s bibliography. Now imagine them all together, on your screen and weighing only as much as your laptop.

Last Friday, the first of many updates on the progress of the Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Project was published on our blog. You can read that here. Hopefully, I'm finally making good on all that optimism shown above. The thoughts and imaginings of the Blogging Pompeii community especially are desired now. Things are still in "deep beta" form, but please do share what you'd want the site to do and do better, what resources we should be adding or privileging, and if you have anything to share - citations, digital full-text copies, spatial data, time, expertise, or anything else - let me know. - EP

1 comment:

  1. Was that really nearly 4 years ago!

    Eric, congratulations on making such great progress with this project! This is a phenomenal resource that is going to make all our research lives easier! Thank you!


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