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Thursday 16 December 2010

Blogging Pompeii's Second Birthday!

Today is Blogging Pompeii's second birthday! And this is also my opportunity to thank all of you who have contributed to and/or supported this blog over the past two years!

To mark the occasion, it seems only right to post another selection of comments taken from Twitter (and this time I've included Italian and French tweets too). But note the common theme: conservation. The last couple of months have seen vast numbers of tweets about the collapses that have occurred at Pompeii from people who are shocked, angry and sad, and a few from people who think they are funny (!). Together they demonstrate the pull of Pompeii in contemporary imagination.

All spellings are original ...
So, is anyone else slightly obsessed with those walls collapsing at Pompeii? 
Pompeii DOES needs saving. It needs to be rescued from conservatives, who despite their names, can't seem to conserve anything. 
Is this a sign from God? More Roman Walls Collapse in Pompeii 
It really bothers me hearing about some of the walls crumbling to bits at Pompeii. 
Le changement climatique est un péril pour le patrimoine, la négligence humaine en est un autre plus grand 
A Pompei arrivano gli ispettori Unesco. Troveranno Bondi tra le macerie. 
Bondi: sono arrivati i mattoncini della Lego per il piano straordinario Pompei!!! 
Get with it, Italy! Pompeii collapsing again. 
Qualcuno può spiegare a Bondi che Pompei non e' una pratica erotica? 
Pompeii damage inspected by UN: 200 years too late. There's bureaucracy for you. 
Bondi: "In arrivo un piano straordinario per Pompei: butteremo giù tutte le costruzioni pericolanti e ne costruiremo di nuove nei pressi". 
Bondi "nuovo piano per Pompei" si chiamerà Pompe ... e Berlusconi sarà nominato suo RE.... 
Bondi annuncia "Piano straordinario per Pompei". Speriamo che la città arrivi al 2011, allora. 
How about this- World Cup 2030 in Atlantis or Pompei!!! Those places are in more need of redevelopment than Oakland. 
Great idea! Why not? Pompeii is a ruin, after all. Chuck all the trash from Naples there! 
Bondi is part of the plot. Pompeii casino here we come! Pompeii is prime real estate. 
Freakin Pompeii is crumbling to the ground and i havent even been there yet! 
Pompei, nuovo crollo: giù muro della domus di Trebio Valente. Berlusconi: "e anche questo è merito nost..., D'OH!" 
Experts are worried that Pompeii is falling into ruins. For a 2,000 year old city destroyed by a volcano I thought it was doing pretty well. 
"Venite a visitare le rovine di Pompei" non vi suona un tantino ironica questa frase adesso?

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!
    And thank YOU, Jo, for all you do to keep this blog rolling!


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