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Thursday 16 December 2010

New edition of Cronache Ercolanesi out (2010)

Even thought it's not yet listed on the CISPE website and is still in print according to L'Erma, I have seen a copy of the latest Cronache Ercolanesi - the 2010 edition - so papyrologists keep your eyes peeled! This volume also includes an index of the journal from 1971 to 2010.

Those, who like me, are more interested in the archaeology of Herculaneum will find the last article of interest: Maria Paola Guidobaldi and Pietro Giovanni Guzzo have written about the discovery of "Un rilievo neoattico da Ercolano" (A Neoattic relief from Herculaneum). This relief was found last year, displayed during the "Tre secoli di scoperte" exhibition and a copy of which is on display at the Herculaneum ticket office (and you can touch it as part of the multisensory trail).

The interest of the article lies not just in the fact that it describes the most recent significant discovery at Herculaneum - and relatively promptly too - but also for the description of the context. The relief was found in the newly named House of the Dionysiac Reliefs which is found in the corner of the ancient city of Herculaneum that lies in the excavation area of the Villa of the Papyri. The article includes new plans that not only show the precise relationship of this area (insula I and the north-west insula of the city) to the Villa of the Papyri, but also the precise layout of these areas.
Some of this information was included by Guidobaldi et al. in the first edition of the journal Vesuviana, but this article goes much further. In the first section, Guidobaldi offers a description and discussion of the Dionysiac scene depicted. Guzzo's section then places this new discovery in context - this includes a list (with bibliography) of similar reliefs used as decoration in houses at Pompeii and Herculaneum.

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