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Wednesday 28 September 2011

New exhibitions

Several people have recently sent me information about forthcoming exhibitions. Sorry for my delay in posting them, I've been majorly distracted for the past couple of months. If you send me anything I will post it eventually.

So, firstly a new exhibition in Paris at the Musée Maillol:  

Pompéi – un art de vivre. 21 (Septembre 2011– 12. Février 2012)

There's a press pack here with some interesting information about the exhibition.

Secondly, the A Day in Pompeii exhibition opens in Boston on 2nd December (this is the one recently in New York, and before that in Singapore, New Zealand and Australia).You can see some previews of the exhibition on YouTube. This one is my favourite, it's very cool.

Next, there's to be a new exhibition at the State Museum of Prehistory at Halle, Germany:

Pompeji, Nola, Herculaneum (9 December 2011 - 8 June 2012)

I like this poster a lot, and I also like that Nola is included.

1 comment:

  1. Bit further in the future: the 2009 Herculaneum exhibition from MANN will be travelling to the Hermitage in 2012: http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/html_En/04/hm4_4.html


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