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Friday 30 September 2011

Recent articles and book reviews

Published earlier this year, TRAC 2010: Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference
(edited by Dragana Mladenovic and Ben Russell) includes several articles dealing with Pompeian evidence

1. In excelsissimo loco – An Approach to Poliadic Deities in Roman Colonies (Marion Boos)
2. Globalisation, Consumerism and the Ancient Roman Economy: A Preliminary Look at Bronze and Iron Production and Consumption (Melissa L. Ratliff)
3. Meaningful Insula: Bridging the Gap between Large and Small Scale Studies of Urban Living Conditions (Heini Ynnilä)
4. Doors in Domestic Space at Pompeii and Herculaneum: A Preliminary Study (M. Taylor Lauritsen)

Moreover, the 2010 volume of Arctos (Acta Philologica Fennica) includes two reviews of books discussed previously in this blog:
Hobson, Barry: Latrinae et Foricae: Toilets in the Roman World and Van Andringa, William: Quotidien des dieux et des hommes: La vie religieuse dans les cités du Vésuve à l'époque romaine

The reviews can be accessed here:

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