Monday, 27 April 2015

News: L’archeologo Maggi: «Ferrara dice che Pompei sta messa bene? Strano, gli Scavi sono in condizioni critiche»

From Corriere del Mezzogiorno:

L’archeologo Maggi: «Ferrara dice che Pompei sta messa bene? Strano, gli Scavi sono in condizioni critiche»
La replica all’Elefantino: «La situazione è diversa da quella raccontata sul Foglio»
di Anna Paola Merone
«Il personaggio è bizzarro, tutti lo conosciamo: va per paradossi. E quindi potrei dire che anche queste sue esternazioni vanno considerate come un paradosso». L’archeologo Giuseppe Maggi commenta con pacatezza, ma senza fare sconti, le considerazioni su Pompei di Giuliano Ferrara. «Qualcosa, bisogna essere onesti, è stato fatto negli ultimi tempi — spiega il professore —. Qualche restauro, come quello della Villa dei misteri. Ma in complesso tutti i soldi dell’Europa non riusciranno a spenderli. Le leggi sono abbastanza tassative rispetto all’utilizzo dei fondi europei. E il sito archeologico rischia di continuare a versare in condizioni molto critiche, ben diverse da quelle raccontate sul Foglio».


News: Primo maggio, apertura straordinaria per gli scavi di Pompei ed Ercolano

Primo maggio, apertura straordinaria per gli scavi di Pompei ed Ercolano 
A comunicarlo è stata la soprintendenza speciale per Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia. I siti archeologici saranno visitabili dalle 8,30 alle 19,30.

I siti archeologici di Pompei, Ercolano, Oplontis, Stabia e il museo di Boscoreale resteranno aperti, in via straordinaria, il prossimo 1 maggio: un'ulteriore opportunità offerta ai tanti visitatori, sia italiani che stranieri, che potranno così sfruttare le festività legate al ponte.

A comunicarlo è stata la soprintendenza speciale per Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia. I siti archeologici saranno visitabili dalle 8,30 alle 19,30 (ultimo ingresso alle 18). I biglietti sono in vendita alle tariffe ordinarie.

Intanto si sta allestendo la mostra "Pompei e l'Europa. 1748-1943", che sarà visitabile 27 maggio al 2 novembre nell'anfiteatro di Pompei. Promossa dalla soprintendenza speciale per Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia, dalla direzione generale del Grande Progetto Pompei e dalla soprintendenza per i beni archeologici di Napoli, evoca la storia della città vesuviana attraverso l'immaginario artistico europeo dal 1748 al 1943.

Friday, 24 April 2015

A comparison from the Jashemski Archive with pompeiiinpictures

I.13.11 Lararium in 2004, 1968 and 1959

This might be our last post for a while. We leave Australia in a few days time and arrive back in the UK on the 6th May. Our computers and reference books will be on ship and in store until we find a house in the UK, somewhere in East Anglia is the plan.
We will still answer pompeiiinpictures emails using our laptop but it may be slower depending on hotel WiFi, and whether we can get access wherever we are at the time.
When we are sorted we hope to see some of you in Pompeii soon.

In the meantime enjoy these three very different looking photos of I.13.11.

Jackie and Bob

I.13.11 Pompeii. December 2004. Lararium niche on west side of garden.
Photo Jackie and Bob Dunn
I.13.11 Pompeii. 1968. Lararium niche on west side of the garden area.
In the background right, is the lararium niche on the west wall of the atrium of I.13.12.
Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski. J68f1997 *
I.13.11 Pompeii. 1959. Lararium and niche on west wall.
This photo was taken just a few years after excavation.
Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski. J59f0514 *

* Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

Click on the pictures to view in higher resolution.

See the more of the house on pompeiiinpictures at I.13.11 on

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Exhibition: Pompeii at National Museum of Korea

From the website of the Soprintendenza di Pompei:
Pompeii at National Museum of Korea
Nearly three hundred artifacts from archaeological sites around Vesuvius in Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabiae, Oplontis and Boscoreale and the National Archaeological Museum of Naples are on display from 9 December at the National Museum of Korea in Seoul, for the exhibition "POMPEII: CULTURE OF THE ANCIENT ROMAN CITY ", open until April 5, 2015. a unique opportunity of meeting between the Western and Eastern culture.

On display objects and artifacts of daily life of ancient Pompeii, that the tragic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD has perfectly preserved. Sculptures that once adorned gardens and spaces of representation, in portions of frescoed walls, to tools and objects that testify to the luxurious lifestyle of the inhabitants of the buried city, to the casts of the victims of the eruption, snapshot of the last hours of life of the city. To evoke the everyday, the loaf of bread charred, utensils used in the kitchen, the surgical instruments that resemble the same of our day; all found objects and stored in environments where Pompeian led their lives unaware of the catastrophe that would surprise them. 
Read more here.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Blog post: Pompeii and Rome

By Virginia Campbell on
Pompeii and Rome
On this, the 2768th birthday of Rome, it occurs to me there could not be a better time to take a look at the inscriptions in Pompeii that provide evidence of the connection this relatively small Campanian town had with the one and only urbs, the capital of the world. Though there are a number of graffiti that mention Rome specifically, usually as a place one has been, I am interested in those that mention an emperor. As with a goodly amount of the epigraphic evidence of Pompeii, there is a collection both of official and unofficial texts.

There are a series of inscriptions, as would be expected in any city under Roman rule, found on the bases of statues dedicated to various emperors and members of their families. Typically found a public area such as the Forum or the Triangular Forum, these include dedications to Augustus and his wife Livia (as Julia Augusta, a name she was granted in AD 14), Marcellus, nephew and one time heir of Augustus, Agrippina the Younger, wife of Claudius and mother to Nero, and Nero himself.
Read the full post here.


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