Press release from the SAP - the excavations won't open until 10.30 tomorrow (Monday) because of a strike:
La Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Napoli e Pompei comunica che, per la convocazione di un’assemblea sindacale indetta dalle O.O.S.S. CISL, UIL, FLP, RDb lunedì 1 marzo, gli Scavi di Pompei, Ercolano, Oplontis, Stabia e Boscoreale potrebbero restare chiusi dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 10.30.
Al termine dell’assemblea l’attività dei siti archeologici riprenderà normalmente.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Vesuvian Archaeology Distribution List
Dear All,
I created an online spreadsheet, which I hope you all will contribute to fill in.
It aims to become the list of all the people involved in projects/research in the environs of Vesuvius and it could help us to get more in touch with each other and distribute articles etc. If you are one of them, or if you know them, please help me to fill in the data.
To contribute, just click this link:
Ferdinando De Simone
St. John's College, Oxford
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Festa della Donna 2010

[Free entry for women to cultural sites run by the Italian State to celebrate Women's Day]
Il 6 e il 7 marzo il MiBAC per festeggiare la Giornata internazionale della Donna offre a tutte le donne l’ingresso gratuito nei luoghi d’arte statali.
Il MiBAC vuole celebrare il binomio “Donna e Arte”, connubio ispiratore di molti capolavori.
Omaggio a tutti coloro che nei secoli hanno individuato nella figura femminile una musa ispiratrice per la loro opera, e in particolare alle numerosissime donne che hanno contribuito in prima persona, con il proprio talento artistico, a superare pregiudizi ed ostacoli sociali.
More info here
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Pompei, l'antica Casa del fauno ora si visita con un avatar
Report by Olimpia Rescigno in the Corriere del Mezzogiorno about a new virtual reality tour of the House of the Faun at Pompeii using an avatar. The project will be presented to the public later today.
Honorary citizenship of Ercolano for P.G. Guzzo
Former Superintendent of Pompeii, Piero Giovanni Guzzo, will be awarded with honorary citizenship of Ercolano (modern Herculaneum) in recognition of his contribution to the city's heritage in a ceremony to be held tomorrow (Thursday 25 February 2010). The event will take place in the House of the Stags within the archaeological site at midday.
Ph.D / ARCHAEOLOGIST (archaeological research into the function of Aegyptiaca from Pompeii)
The Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, offers one junior research position for a PhD candidate in the field of Classical Archaeology, within the NWO-funded VIDI-project entitled ‘Cultural innovation in a globalising society: Egypt in the Roman world’. The position is available as of April 1, 2010. Ph.D / ARCHAEOLOGIST (archaeological research into the function of Aegyptiaca from Pompeii) (f/m) (38 hours a week) Vacancy number: 10-033
See here for more details.
See here for more details.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Presentation: Rethinking the House of the Surgeon at Pompeii
Rethinking the House of the Surgeon at Pompeii
Damian Robinson, Brasenose College, Oxford
Location: The Shefton Room, 1st floor Armstrong Building, Newcastle University
Time/Date: 2nd March 2010, 17:30
Link to the Newcastle website
Pompei - La verità sul commissariamento degli Scavi di Pompei
There are folks in the local community who really don't like the commissario (as if we didn't know that already after all the fuss made about the minor collapse in the House of the Chaste Lovers) ... A dossier was presented yesterday by one of the local left-wing political parties that accuses the commissario of failing to protect and conserve the archaeological remains of Pompeii. See for the full report.
Important Antiquities Lent by Republic of Italy on View at Metropolitan Museum
From (follow link for image):
NEW YORK, NY.- A rare, recently excavated ancient Roman dining set consisting of 20 silver objects—one of only three such sets from the region of Pompeii known to exist in the world—and an important ancient Greek kylix (or drinking cup) have been installed in The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Galleries for Greek and Roman Art as part of an ongoing exchange of antiquities between the Republic of Italy and the Museum.
Thomas P. Campbell, Director of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, commented: "It gives me great pleasure to announce the most recent loan of antiquities from the Republic of Italy to the Met, and to recognize the continued collaboration between Italy and the Museum that makes this display possible. The presentation of these splendid works in New York, where they will be viewed by millions of visitors over the next four years, will deepen the public's knowledge and appreciation of ancient art, and will contribute immeasurably to their understanding of its significance."
The collaborative agreement, established in 2006, involved the transfer of title and the return of several works of art including the Euphronios krater (ca. 515 B.C.). It also provided for long-term loans of comparably great works of ancient art from the Republic of Italy. The agreement furthermore provided for the exhibition of 16 Hellenistic silver pieces from the third century B.C. on a rotating basis every four years. In 2006 and 2008, four magnificent loans came to the Met, and the present loans coincide with the four-year return of the Hellenistic silver to Sicily.
The terracotta kylix lent by the Republic of Italy is one of the most famous surviving works from the region of Sparta that was exported to Italy in antiquity. Dated between about 575 and 560 B.C., the Laconian kylix shows a spirited mythological scene: two wind gods, the Boreads, rush to punish the predatory harpies. It is on view on the east side of The Robert and Renée Belfer Court.
The silver objects—the Moregine Treasure—represent one of the few Roman silver dining sets to survive from the first century A.D. They include vessels for holding, serving, and receiving food as well as receptacles for mixing, pouring, and drinking liquids. Buried in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79, and excavated in 2000 at Moregine on the outskirts of Pompeii, the silver weighs nearly nine pounds. It had been carefully placed in a wicker basket and hidden in the basement of an unfinished public bath house; presumably, its owner had hoped to return for it, but died in the eruption. The two canthari (drinking cups) are of particular interest and were likely prized antiques at the time they were buried, having been made over a century earlier at the very end of the Hellenistic era, likely in Alexandria, Egypt. They seem to commemorate what is sometimes known as the Treaty of Brundisium between Mark Anthony and Octavian in 40 B.C., just four years after the assassination of Caesar. This historic treaty gave Mark Anthony command of the eastern Roman provinces, while Octavian was given control over Italy and the West.
The Moregine Treasure is on view in the Museum's Hellenistic Treasury, along with other luxury goods of the Hellenistic and early Roman Imperial periods. The display at the Metropolitan Museum is the first time the Moregine Treasure has been exhibited outside Italy. It was exhibited during the summer of 2006 at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, where it formed part of the exhibition Argenti a Pompei (Silver at Pompeii). The Metropolitan Museum's Hellenistic Treasury is an intimate showplace for outstanding examples of luxury goods, primarily made of precious metals, gemstones, and glass, as well as Hellenistic gold and silver coins. Located east of the Sardis gallery, a main thoroughfare within the Museum, it displays some of the greatest treasures of the Greek and Roman art collection, including a pair of spectacular gold serpentine armbands (Greek, Hellenistic, ca. 200 B.C.) and a bronze statuette of a veiled and masked dancer (Greek, third–second century B.C.). The gallery thus features the luxury arts of the Hellenistic koine, a result of Alexander the Great's conquest of the Persian Empire in 331 B.C. The Moregine Silver Treasure demonstrates vividly how Rome participated in the cultural and artistic exchanges that encompassed not only the whole of the Mediterranean world but also lands stretching eastward as far as Afghanistan and India.
NEW YORK, NY.- A rare, recently excavated ancient Roman dining set consisting of 20 silver objects—one of only three such sets from the region of Pompeii known to exist in the world—and an important ancient Greek kylix (or drinking cup) have been installed in The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Galleries for Greek and Roman Art as part of an ongoing exchange of antiquities between the Republic of Italy and the Museum.
Thomas P. Campbell, Director of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, commented: "It gives me great pleasure to announce the most recent loan of antiquities from the Republic of Italy to the Met, and to recognize the continued collaboration between Italy and the Museum that makes this display possible. The presentation of these splendid works in New York, where they will be viewed by millions of visitors over the next four years, will deepen the public's knowledge and appreciation of ancient art, and will contribute immeasurably to their understanding of its significance."
The collaborative agreement, established in 2006, involved the transfer of title and the return of several works of art including the Euphronios krater (ca. 515 B.C.). It also provided for long-term loans of comparably great works of ancient art from the Republic of Italy. The agreement furthermore provided for the exhibition of 16 Hellenistic silver pieces from the third century B.C. on a rotating basis every four years. In 2006 and 2008, four magnificent loans came to the Met, and the present loans coincide with the four-year return of the Hellenistic silver to Sicily.
The terracotta kylix lent by the Republic of Italy is one of the most famous surviving works from the region of Sparta that was exported to Italy in antiquity. Dated between about 575 and 560 B.C., the Laconian kylix shows a spirited mythological scene: two wind gods, the Boreads, rush to punish the predatory harpies. It is on view on the east side of The Robert and Renée Belfer Court.
The silver objects—the Moregine Treasure—represent one of the few Roman silver dining sets to survive from the first century A.D. They include vessels for holding, serving, and receiving food as well as receptacles for mixing, pouring, and drinking liquids. Buried in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79, and excavated in 2000 at Moregine on the outskirts of Pompeii, the silver weighs nearly nine pounds. It had been carefully placed in a wicker basket and hidden in the basement of an unfinished public bath house; presumably, its owner had hoped to return for it, but died in the eruption. The two canthari (drinking cups) are of particular interest and were likely prized antiques at the time they were buried, having been made over a century earlier at the very end of the Hellenistic era, likely in Alexandria, Egypt. They seem to commemorate what is sometimes known as the Treaty of Brundisium between Mark Anthony and Octavian in 40 B.C., just four years after the assassination of Caesar. This historic treaty gave Mark Anthony command of the eastern Roman provinces, while Octavian was given control over Italy and the West.
The Moregine Treasure is on view in the Museum's Hellenistic Treasury, along with other luxury goods of the Hellenistic and early Roman Imperial periods. The display at the Metropolitan Museum is the first time the Moregine Treasure has been exhibited outside Italy. It was exhibited during the summer of 2006 at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, where it formed part of the exhibition Argenti a Pompei (Silver at Pompeii). The Metropolitan Museum's Hellenistic Treasury is an intimate showplace for outstanding examples of luxury goods, primarily made of precious metals, gemstones, and glass, as well as Hellenistic gold and silver coins. Located east of the Sardis gallery, a main thoroughfare within the Museum, it displays some of the greatest treasures of the Greek and Roman art collection, including a pair of spectacular gold serpentine armbands (Greek, Hellenistic, ca. 200 B.C.) and a bronze statuette of a veiled and masked dancer (Greek, third–second century B.C.). The gallery thus features the luxury arts of the Hellenistic koine, a result of Alexander the Great's conquest of the Persian Empire in 331 B.C. The Moregine Silver Treasure demonstrates vividly how Rome participated in the cultural and artistic exchanges that encompassed not only the whole of the Mediterranean world but also lands stretching eastward as far as Afghanistan and India.
Monday, 22 February 2010
Insula VI.1 - pottery training opportunity
We will be working on the finds from Insula VI.1 for four weeks (starting July 5th) this summer with the main focus being on the pottery. We will have a full team of six specialists and experienced pot sorters in the field and are prepared to offer a trainee post. This would be a good opportunity for a student to develop pottery skills including fabric identification, quantification etc, and of course to familiarise themselves with the range of pottery recovered at Pompeii. I’m afraid we cannot offer to pay their expenses, but I may be able to find a bit of money to pay campsite fees and some beer money.
If anyone is interested, please contact me ( with a brief cv and the contact details of someone who will give you a reference.
If any other teams are in the field at that time and would like to discuss their pottery with the team, do call in. We normally stop for a tea break about 3.30. Sometimes there are biscuits!
If anyone is interested, please contact me ( with a brief cv and the contact details of someone who will give you a reference.
If any other teams are in the field at that time and would like to discuss their pottery with the team, do call in. We normally stop for a tea break about 3.30. Sometimes there are biscuits!
Double Vesuvius event

[There will be two events taking place in Ercolano based on Vesuvius: a presentation of a beautiful new 3-volume book, and then an exhibition of art inspired by the volcano. All welcome!]
Venerdì 26 febbraio 2010 alle ore 17:30 presso il MAV (Museo Archeologico Virtuale) di Ercolano, Via 4 Novembre, 44 si terrà la presentazione del volume Diario del Monte Vesuvio – Venti secoli di immagini e cronache di un vulcano nella città di Giovanni P. Ricciardi, realizzato da Edizioni Scientifiche ed Artistiche.
L’evento avrà luogo nell’ambito della manifestazione prevista tra il 26 ed il 28 febbraio “La catastrofe. La rinascita”, durante la quale sarà promossa una raccolta fondi per l’emergenza terremoto di Haiti
Il 27 febbraio, ore 17.30 sarà inaugurata alla Villa Maiuri, in Via Quattro Orologi 23, la mostra Emozioni vesuviane – collettiva d’arte contemporanea con opere legate al contesto del vulcano degli artisti: Alfonso Marquez, Goffredo Godi e Marco Di Maio.
La mostra organizzata in collaborazione con il Centro Herculaneum sarà il culmine di due percorsi tematici: l’uno legato alle stampe tratte dall’opera
“Diario del Monte Vesuvio”, l’altro relativo alla storia della Circumvesuviana dal 1890 a oggi.
Apertura della mostra: 27 febbraio - 7 marzo 2010.

Sunday, 21 February 2010
Inauguration of the Historical Archive of the Comune of Pompeii
Not quite sure what will be in this new archive, does anyone know? Looks like it might be interesting.
Friday, 19 February 2010
Mice in Pompeii!
This is possibly one of the funniest Pompeii-related things I have ever seen! Thank you to the student who sent it to me!
News about the Pompei Viva initiative is all over the Italian press now. The following is the press release from the Soprintendenza di Pompei, describing the different elements of the scheme that were unveiled by Marcello Fiori at the BIT (Borsa Internazionale del Tourismo/International Tourism Exchange) conference in Milan:
‘POMPEI VIVA’ è un claim , un programma per l’area archeologica per il 2010, uno slogan che vuol dire: conoscenza, tutela, valorizzazione di uno dei siti archeologici più straordinari del mondo. Cantieri evento dove è possibile seguire le scoperte archeologiche ‘in diretta’, visite multimediali, una stagione estiva di spettacoli prestigiosi all’interno del restaurato Teatro Grande, passeggiate notturne, percorsi tematici, per cicloamatori, per bambini, mostre, un archeroristorante dove gustare sapori campani doc: sono tante le novità del programma realizzato dal Commissario delegato per l’area archeologica di Pompei Marcello Fiori e dalla Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni archeologici di Napoli e Pompei che stanno cambiando il volto degli scavi vesuviani, sempre più fruibili e accessibili.
‘’ Se Pompei è un’emozione… Pompeiviva è un’esclamazione di gioia – spiega Fiori che ha presentato il programma delle attività 2010 alla BIT di Milano, nello stand della Regione Campania, con l’Assessore al Turismo Riccardo Marone - Pompei è il ricordo di una tragedia ma anche una città viva, che ancora oggi racconta se stessa, i suoi abitanti e il suo vivere quotidiano attraverso gli oggetti, i dipinti, le architetture. Una città che produce vino dalle proprie fertili vigne e cibo dai propri orti. Una città dove presto torneranno, grazie al restauro del teatro, le diverse forme di espressione artistica già presenti e importanti in epoca romana. Le botteghe torneranno a rianimarsi. Il fremito della vita tornerà a percorrere le strade e le piazze. Pompei – sottolinea Fiori – è una città che parla il linguaggio universale dell’uomo e dei suoi valori, che non smette di insegnarci l’indistruttibile lezione della sua storia e che non smette di emozionare i nostri cuori. Queste sono le ragioni del nostro lavoro e del nostro massimo impegno. Ecco perché oggi insieme desideriamo esclamare: “Pompeiviva – Viva Pompei”.
DA FEBBRAIO - Dopo lo straordinario successo dell’anteprima di San Valentino, apre al pubblico di Pompei una delle Domus più belle della città antica. Casa di un ricco panettiere, la Domus dei Casti Amanti è così chiamata per il pannello decorativo che raffigura il bacio innocente di due innamorati. Riportata alla luce nel 1987, non è mai stata accessibile al pubblico. Un sistema di passerelle sospese permette oggi di vedere, perfettamente conservati, il forno della panetteria, le due stalle con scheletri animali, un giardino fedelmente ricostruito e meravigliosi affreschi e mosaici. I visitatori assistono in diretta al lavoro degli archeologi e dei restauratori, grazie ad un cantiere di scavo trasparente che permette al pubblico di condividere il fascino della scoperta insieme ai tecnici.
DA MARZO - La Domus di Giulio Polibio, una delle più note e studiate Domus di Pompei, riapre a marzo le visite con una nuova veste in cui rigore storico e scientifico vengono coniugati con innovativi strumenti tecnologici di divulgazione. Una guida molto speciale accoglie i visitatori in una ricostruzione virtuale di forte impatto emotivo: l’ologramma dello stesso Giulio Polibio. I calchi degli utensili e arredi domestici rinvenuti durante gli scavi arricchiscono insieme ad installazioni multimediali di ultima generazione, gli usi e i costumi tramandati da questa Domus. Uno straordinario racconto sonoro, inoltre, accompagna il visitatore in un viaggio nel tempo. La visita guidata è organizzata per piccoli gruppi.STAGIONE ESTIVA AL TEATRO GRANDE
DA GIUGNO A SETTEMBRE - Dopo 15 mesi di lavori, il Teatro Grande di Pompei tornerà a splendere di suoni grazie agli oltre 2.000 posti disponibili e alla partnership con le principali istituzioni culturali del Mezzogiorno tra cui il Teatro di San Carlo di Napoli e il Napoli Teatro Festival. Il Teatro Grande, uno dei teatri più antichi d’Europa, abbina memoria storica e tecnologia al servizio della cultura. Si Inaugura a giugno con un’ampia offerta culturale ed un cartellone denso di eventi protagonisti dell’estate pompeiana.
DA APRILE - Si inaugura da aprile la stagione notturna di Pompei con percorsi ed eventi dedicati. Da aprile si riaccendono Le Lune di Pompei, visita spettacolo con un nuovo percorso organizzata dall’Ente Provinciale per il Turismo di Napoli. Da giugno l’illuminazione permanente degli scavi sarà il segno distintivo della vita notturna di Pompei. Le strade della città si accendono, i giardini delle Domus si animano regalando al visitatore una visione inedita, tra passeggiate estive dopo il tramonto e avventure di rara suggestione. Tra queste segnaliamo, La notte degli astrofili, il 10 agosto, nella notte di san Lorenzo, con guide d’eccezione.
DA APRILE - Tra le novità del 2010, anche Pompei in bici: Da Piazza Anfiteatro fino a Villa dei Misteri finalmente attivo un un percorso ciclabile di circa 4 km che consente ai turisti di fermarsi presso aree attrezzate e luoghi che rivelano scorci indimenticabili del Vesuvio e degli Scavi. L’esperienza è consigliata a tutti, anche ai non professionisti. E’ possibile affittare le biciclette in loco. Easy Pompei, è invece un percorso della durata di due ore circa rivolto ai visitatori con ridotte capacità motorie ma anche alle famiglie con bambini piccoli. Tutti possono passeggiare tra le antiche insulae di Pompei e fruire del patrimonio archeologico in maniera facile e praticabile. L’ingresso del percorso è da Piazza Anfiteatro. Infine è stato messo a punto il percorso Arti, mestieri e professioni: passeggiando tra gli scavi è possibile approfondire le notizie sulla vita commerciale dell’antica Pompei incontrando le botteghe delle arti e degli antichi mestieri, come la Fabbrica di lucerne, la Casa del profumiere, il vivaio e alcune botteghe riportate alle antiche attività, come quella, particolarissima, del fabbricante di stuoie.
DA MAGGIO - Realizzati dagli esperti della Fondazione Idis - Città della Scienza, una serie di originali attività propongono per i bambini e le loro famiglie momenti di crescita culturale attraverso il gioco. Tutte le attività si svolgono presso Casa Pacifico a ridosso della biglietteria di Piazza Anfiteatro. Tra i laboratori: modellatura della ceramica; il Rosso Pompeiano; un emozionante Scavo archeologico simulato; Strumenti di scrittura e calcolo del passato; Vulcanologia.
DA MARZO - Mostra didattica “Pompei A.D. 24 agosto 79 d.C.” La mostra, allestita presso piazza Anfiteatro, ricostruisce l’eruzione del 79 d.C. e la distruzione di Pompei. Un percorso didattico mirato a sensibilizzare il pubblico più giovane, curato dai sismologi e vulcanologi del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile italiana e dell’Osservatorio vesuviano.
Una “tavola sismica vibrante” permette di vivere la SIMULAZIONE del terremoto.
DA FEBBRAIO - Concerti e balletti del Teatro di San Carlo presso l’Auditorium. Pompei apre il suo Auditorium ai concerti e ai balletti del Teatro di San Carlo. Un ciclo di appuntamenti destinati a tutti gli studenti si propone di raccontare la musica e la danza ai tempi di Pompei. Il Coro di Voci Bianche canta favole di Esopo, l’ensemble di ottoni suona “Che magnifico fracasso” e la Scuola di Ballo mette in scena le favole più note con “Nel mondo delle fiabe”. Gli spettacoli sono abbinati ad una visita
DA GIUGNO - Il rapporto tra storia e scienza della civiltà, tutela della biodiversità e cultura agroalimentare è la chiave di conoscenza per la comprensione delle origini culturali e territoriali di un popolo. Pompei riscopre il sapore di un mondo antico: promozione, ristorazione, degustazione e mescita, grazie ad un accordo con la Regione Campania, trovano la loro sintesi in un ArcheoRistorante ospitato nella suggestiva Casina dell’Aquila, un importante immobile di fine Settecento con terrazzi panoramici sul Vesuvio e ampia vista sugli Scavi e il mare. L’insieme gastronomico di ricette di epoca romana, dei prodotti di eccellenza della tradizione campana regala al visitatore un emozionante viaggio nel tempo e nella cultura alimentare dei romani.
"POMPEI VIVA", un nuovo modo per visitare l'area archeologica di Pompei
The Italian Ministry of Culture has released a press release today on "Pompei Viva" - a programme for 2010 to increase "understanding, safeguarding and enhancement" of the archaeological site.
All the initiatives - ranging from activities for children, theatrical events and visits to see work in progress - are all described on the official Ministry website.
All the initiatives - ranging from activities for children, theatrical events and visits to see work in progress - are all described on the official Ministry website.
Book presentation: L'archeologia magica di Maiuri
[Book presentation of a re-printed edition of a book on archaeologist Amedeo Maiuri, by former Site Director of Herculaneum, Giuseppe Maggi]
Il giorno martedì 23 febbraio 2010 alle ore 18,00
Presentazione del libro di Giuseppe Maggi
edizione Bibliopolis
In sala: l'Autore, Maria Grazia Carbone, Pasquale Malva e Luigi Necco
E' gradita la sua partecipazione
Libreria Loffredo, via Kerbaker 19/221 Napoli
081 5783534 fax 081 5785313
Il giorno martedì 23 febbraio 2010 alle ore 18,00
Presentazione del libro di Giuseppe Maggi
edizione Bibliopolis
In sala: l'Autore, Maria Grazia Carbone, Pasquale Malva e Luigi Necco
E' gradita la sua partecipazione
Libreria Loffredo, via Kerbaker 19/221 Napoli
081 5783534 fax 081 5785313
Thursday, 18 February 2010
La città di Pompei è parte dell'associazione ''Città e siti italiani patrimonio mondiale Unesco''
News from that the modern city of Pompeii has joined an association of Italian heritage cities and sites that aims to encourage tourism and benefit local communities:
La città di Pompei è da oggi parte dell'associazione "Città e siti italiani patrimonio mondiale Unesco". Con delibera di giunta il governo cittadino, guidato dal sindaco Claudio D'Alessio, ha disposto l'ingresso nell'organismo associativo che promuove, nel mondo, tutte le iniziative poste in essere dalle città annoverate nell'albo d'oro dell'Unesco. Già nel 1997 la casa degli Scavi è stata promossa dal comitato Unesco. La decisione si è basata sulle potenzialità culturali possedute della città mariana. "Gli straordinari reperti della città archeologica sepolta dall'eruzione del Vesuvio del 79 dopo Cristo - si legge nella motivazione - costituiscono una testimonianza completa e vivente della società e della vita quotidiana in un momento preciso del passato, e non trovano il loro equivalente in nessuna parte del mondo". "Pompei è un gioiello prezioso che va salvaguardato, tutelato e valorizzato - ha affermato il sindaco Claudio D'Alessio, illustrando la decisione di aderire all'associazione - Noi amministratori abbiamo il dovere di porre in essere tutti gli strumenti atti ad elevare la nostra meravigliosa Pompei a città mondiale della cultura. Aderire all'associazione delle città e dei siti che, come Pompei, hanno il privilegio di essere state elette patrimonio dell'umanità è solo uno dei passi da compiere per raggiungere tale obiettivo". L'associazione, composta da cinquantatre soci (di cui 3 regioni, 47 comuni, due parchi naturali ed una comunità montana), attualmente presieduta dal sindaco di Assisi, Claudio Ricci, si pone come fine primario il promuovere i progetti e le proposte dei soci, proponendole alle amministrazioni pubbliche italiane e alle istituzioni internazionali. "L'organismo associativo - si legge nello statuto - si occupa della programmazione di una politica turistica e di diffusione dell'immagine che corrisponda agli interessi della comunità in cui si trovano i beni patrimonio dell'umanità". Promozione e commercializzazione dei "prodotti turistici" dei soci che avviene attraverso le maggiori agenzie di viaggio operanti nel circuito turistico mondiale.
La città di Pompei è da oggi parte dell'associazione "Città e siti italiani patrimonio mondiale Unesco". Con delibera di giunta il governo cittadino, guidato dal sindaco Claudio D'Alessio, ha disposto l'ingresso nell'organismo associativo che promuove, nel mondo, tutte le iniziative poste in essere dalle città annoverate nell'albo d'oro dell'Unesco. Già nel 1997 la casa degli Scavi è stata promossa dal comitato Unesco. La decisione si è basata sulle potenzialità culturali possedute della città mariana. "Gli straordinari reperti della città archeologica sepolta dall'eruzione del Vesuvio del 79 dopo Cristo - si legge nella motivazione - costituiscono una testimonianza completa e vivente della società e della vita quotidiana in un momento preciso del passato, e non trovano il loro equivalente in nessuna parte del mondo". "Pompei è un gioiello prezioso che va salvaguardato, tutelato e valorizzato - ha affermato il sindaco Claudio D'Alessio, illustrando la decisione di aderire all'associazione - Noi amministratori abbiamo il dovere di porre in essere tutti gli strumenti atti ad elevare la nostra meravigliosa Pompei a città mondiale della cultura. Aderire all'associazione delle città e dei siti che, come Pompei, hanno il privilegio di essere state elette patrimonio dell'umanità è solo uno dei passi da compiere per raggiungere tale obiettivo". L'associazione, composta da cinquantatre soci (di cui 3 regioni, 47 comuni, due parchi naturali ed una comunità montana), attualmente presieduta dal sindaco di Assisi, Claudio Ricci, si pone come fine primario il promuovere i progetti e le proposte dei soci, proponendole alle amministrazioni pubbliche italiane e alle istituzioni internazionali. "L'organismo associativo - si legge nello statuto - si occupa della programmazione di una politica turistica e di diffusione dell'immagine che corrisponda agli interessi della comunità in cui si trovano i beni patrimonio dell'umanità". Promozione e commercializzazione dei "prodotti turistici" dei soci che avviene attraverso le maggiori agenzie di viaggio operanti nel circuito turistico mondiale.
Pompeii Food and Drink Project
The Pompeii Food and Drink Project is looking for volunteers for this summer. See here for details.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Review: Features of the Domenico Fontana’s Water Conduit (the Canal of Count Sarno) and the Date of Pompeii Destruction
I've received the following review by Jordan Tabov of the Tschurilow article, Features of the Domenico Fontana’s Water Conduit (the Canal of Count Sarno) and the Date of Pompeii Destruction.
The fragments below are from the map "Regnum Neapolitanum", which appeared in 1570 in the famous Ortelius’ atlas "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum". The map shows an existing, "alive" town with the name "Pompeia" near Vesuvius. Where is this town now? What is its present-day name?
In the article is discussed the very interesting problem of the dating of the famous Vesuvius’ eruption, which covered completely the town of Pompeii by a layer of volcanic ash and pumice-stone. The author conducted extensive studies. He found and analyzed important evidence about the eruption of Vesuvius of 1631 and about the destruction by this eruption of surrounding towns. In particular he studied carefully and analyzed the special features of the Canal of Count Sarno and its environment in Pompeii.
I had the opportunity to follow the process of the research and the creation of the hypothesis, described in the paper. Therefore I am well familiar with the efforts of the author to gather and to generalize the entire accessible essential information on the theme, especially information from the 16th and 17th century documents. This gives to me the merit to assert that the article “Features of the Domenico Fontana’s Water Conduit (the Canal of Count Sarno) and the Date of Pompeii Destruction” by Dipl. - Ing. (TU) Andreas Tschurilow presents to the readers a hypothesis, based on authentic evidence and facts: that the eruption of Vesuvius in 1631 is namely that famous eruption, which covered the town of Pompeii by a layer of volcanic ash and pumice-stone. A hypothesis, which should be thoroughly verified in the future.
In accordance with this I would recommend the scientists and people interested in the archaeology of Pompeii, to read the article of Dipl. - Ing. (TU) Andreas Tschurilow “Features of the Domenico Fontana’s Water Conduit (the Canal of Count Sarno) and the Date of Pompeii Destruction”.
Jordan Tabov, DSc, Department of Application of Information Technologies in the Humanities, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The fragments below are from the map "Regnum Neapolitanum", which appeared in 1570 in the famous Ortelius’ atlas "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum". The map shows an existing, "alive" town with the name "Pompeia" near Vesuvius. Where is this town now? What is its present-day name?
A. Tschurilow's article suggests a reasonable hypothesis, which gives answer to these questions.
In the article is discussed the very interesting problem of the dating of the famous Vesuvius’ eruption, which covered completely the town of Pompeii by a layer of volcanic ash and pumice-stone. The author conducted extensive studies. He found and analyzed important evidence about the eruption of Vesuvius of 1631 and about the destruction by this eruption of surrounding towns. In particular he studied carefully and analyzed the special features of the Canal of Count Sarno and its environment in Pompeii.
I had the opportunity to follow the process of the research and the creation of the hypothesis, described in the paper. Therefore I am well familiar with the efforts of the author to gather and to generalize the entire accessible essential information on the theme, especially information from the 16th and 17th century documents. This gives to me the merit to assert that the article “Features of the Domenico Fontana’s Water Conduit (the Canal of Count Sarno) and the Date of Pompeii Destruction” by Dipl. - Ing. (TU) Andreas Tschurilow presents to the readers a hypothesis, based on authentic evidence and facts: that the eruption of Vesuvius in 1631 is namely that famous eruption, which covered the town of Pompeii by a layer of volcanic ash and pumice-stone. A hypothesis, which should be thoroughly verified in the future.
In accordance with this I would recommend the scientists and people interested in the archaeology of Pompeii, to read the article of Dipl. - Ing. (TU) Andreas Tschurilow “Features of the Domenico Fontana’s Water Conduit (the Canal of Count Sarno) and the Date of Pompeii Destruction”.
Jordan Tabov, DSc, Department of Application of Information Technologies in the Humanities, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Date of eruption,
Domenico Fontana,
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Ritrovata la sacerdotessa di Boscoreale
News that the fresco stolen in 1997 from the Villa of Asellius and recovered last year in New York by Carabinieri is to be returned to Pompeii. Read the report in here. For previous posts about the fresco, its history and recovery, and a photo, see here and here.
Stolen antiquities,
Villa of Asellius
POMPEIVIVA - House of the Chaste Lovers
These pictures have been sent to us at pompeiiinpictures. They were taken recently by Rick Bauer of Naples.
This photograph shows the Via dell' Abbondanza with its new frontage for the viewing of the excavations in the House of the Chaste Lovers. This appears to have been branded POMPEIVIVA.

The entrance (above) to the facility with its special POMPEIVIVA logo built into the gates. This is situated across the unnamed vicolo between IX.11 and IX.12.
We look forward to entering.

A display board for the new facility. We believe there was a preview on St Valentines day for special guests and, according to Rick, the signs posted at the entrance say the new POMPEIVIVA display will be open to the General public beginning in March 2010.

Rick also shows (above) that work on the new Antiquarium started in July 2009 but there is no completion date given for the work. A new Antiquarium showing many of the items found in Pompei will be a real asset to visitors.
Keep up the good work.
Hope you find this interesting.
Jackie and Bob at pompeiiinpictures
This photograph shows the Via dell' Abbondanza with its new frontage for the viewing of the excavations in the House of the Chaste Lovers. This appears to have been branded POMPEIVIVA.
The entrance (above) to the facility with its special POMPEIVIVA logo built into the gates. This is situated across the unnamed vicolo between IX.11 and IX.12.
We look forward to entering.
A display board for the new facility. We believe there was a preview on St Valentines day for special guests and, according to Rick, the signs posted at the entrance say the new POMPEIVIVA display will be open to the General public beginning in March 2010.
Rick also shows (above) that work on the new Antiquarium started in July 2009 but there is no completion date given for the work. A new Antiquarium showing many of the items found in Pompei will be a real asset to visitors.
Keep up the good work.
Hope you find this interesting.
Jackie and Bob at pompeiiinpictures
House of the Chaste Lovers,
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Review: I misteri di Pompei: Antichità pompeiane nell'immaginario della modernità
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.02.37:
Renzo Cremante, Maurizio Harari, Stefano Rocchi, Elisa Romano (ed.), I misteri di Pompei: Antichità pompeiane nell'immaginario della modernità. Pompei: Flavius, 2008. Pp. 201. ISBN 9788888419466. €16.00 (pb).
Reviewed by Novella Vismara, Università Milano Bicocca
Renzo Cremante, Maurizio Harari, Stefano Rocchi, Elisa Romano (ed.), I misteri di Pompei: Antichità pompeiane nell'immaginario della modernità. Pompei: Flavius, 2008. Pp. 201. ISBN 9788888419466. €16.00 (pb).
Reviewed by Novella Vismara, Università Milano Bicocca
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Lecture: Architettura e pittura illusionistica nella casa romana
Lecture: Analisi conoscitive per il monitoraggio conservativo degli affreschi pompeiani

Lecture on "Cognitive analyses for conservation monitoring of Pompeian frescoes"
Martedi 2 marzo 2010, ore 17.00
Blocco C, aula C102
SUPSI Lugano
Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana
Casella postale 105
6952 Canobbio
Tel.: +41(0)58 666 6243
Fax: +41(0)58 666 6309

Friday, 12 February 2010
Interview with Pompeii's Commissario
The website of TESS includes a new interview with Marcello Fiori, Pompeii's Commissario Straordinario.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Famous visitors at Pompeii ...
In the last week both Leonardo Di Caprio and John Turturro have been spotted at Pompeii. Check out these hilarious photos of Di Caprio - did he actually see anything? Tarturro's visit was more 'public' and included the House of the Chaste Lovers, the photo below demonstrating the the building didn't get knocked down by a crane last month ... Marcello Fiori commented, “La presenza di John Turturro conferma quanto Pompei sia meta privilegiata di tante personalità del mondo della cultura in visita nel nostro paese”

Book: Vesuvius. A Biography
Alwyn Scarth, Vesuvius: A Biography Capricious, vibrant, and volatile, Vesuvius has been and remains one of the world's most dangerous volcanoes. In its rage, it has destroyed whole cities and buried thousands alive. In its calm, its ashes have fertilized the soil, providing for the people who have lived in its shadows. For over two millennia, the dynamic presence of this volcano has fascinated scientists, artists, writers, and thinkers, and inspired religious fervor, Roman architecture, and Western literature. In Vesuvius, Alwyn Scarth draws from the latest research, classical and eyewitness accounts, and a diverse range of other sources to tell the riveting story of this spectacular natural phenomenon.
Scarth follows Vesuvius across time, examining the volcano's destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 A.D., its eruptions during the Counter-Reformation that were viewed as God's punishment of sinners, and the building of the world's first volcano observatory on Vesuvius in the 1840s. Scarth explores the volcano's current position overlooking a population of more than three million people and the complex attitudes maintained by the residents, at once reverent, protective, and fearful. He also considers the next major eruption of Vesuvius, which experts have indicated could be the most powerful since 1631. The longer Vesuvius remains dormant, the more violent its reawakening will be, and despite scientific advances for predicting when this might occur, more people are vulnerable than ever before.
Exploring this celebrated wonder from scientific, historical, and cultural perspectives, Vesuvius provides a colorful portrait of a formidable force of nature.
Alwyn Scarth is the author of numerous books, including Savage Earth (HarperCollins), Vulcan's Fury, and La Catastrophe.
I didn't know about this book until I saw an Italian review of it this morning, but it looks really interesting.
Scarth follows Vesuvius across time, examining the volcano's destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 A.D., its eruptions during the Counter-Reformation that were viewed as God's punishment of sinners, and the building of the world's first volcano observatory on Vesuvius in the 1840s. Scarth explores the volcano's current position overlooking a population of more than three million people and the complex attitudes maintained by the residents, at once reverent, protective, and fearful. He also considers the next major eruption of Vesuvius, which experts have indicated could be the most powerful since 1631. The longer Vesuvius remains dormant, the more violent its reawakening will be, and despite scientific advances for predicting when this might occur, more people are vulnerable than ever before.
Exploring this celebrated wonder from scientific, historical, and cultural perspectives, Vesuvius provides a colorful portrait of a formidable force of nature.
Alwyn Scarth is the author of numerous books, including Savage Earth (HarperCollins), Vulcan's Fury, and La Catastrophe.
I didn't know about this book until I saw an Italian review of it this morning, but it looks really interesting.
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
A San Valentino, innamorati dell’arte
The Italian Ministry of Culture has just announced that to celebrate St Valentine's Day, tickets to archaeological sites and museums that they run will be two for the price of one! A list of sites on the Bay of Naples follows.
“A San Valentino, innamorati dell’arte”
Il 13 e 14 febbraio nei musei si entra in due con un solo biglietto.
L’iniziativa “Reti Amiche” a supporto dell’evento.
San Valentino è la festa degli innamorati e, per celebrare l’appuntamento, il Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali regala a tutti gli innamorati due giorni di arte e di cultura.
Il 13 e 14 febbraio in tutti i musei, monumenti e siti archeologici statali presentandosi in due si entrerà pagando un solo biglietto. Quest’anno, quindi, per la prima volta, un intero fine settimana sarà dedicato all’evento.
Di scena l'Amore, sentimento principe che nei secoli ha guidato la mano dei più grandi artisti, e l’Arte: un perfetto binomio dall’ineguagliabile forza ispiratrice.
Appartiene alla sensibilità di chiunque apprezzare la delicatezza del bacio tra “Amore e Psiche” agli Uffizi di Firenze, la languida postura della “Danae” di Tiziano nel Museo di Capodimonte, l’ambiguità de “L’Amor Sacro e Amor Profano” custodito nella Galleria Borghese e la fugacità della passione ne “Il Bacio” di Hayez alla Pinacoteca di Brera. Capolavori dell’arte che, insieme a tantissimi altri, trasformeranno per due giorni tutti i luoghi d'arte statali in romantici rifugi per coloro che vorranno sublimare i loro sentimenti attraverso un viaggio nel patrimonio culturale italiano.
Anche perché la cultura... fa bene all’amore!
Anfiteatro Flavio e Tempio di Serapide (Visitabile a pagamento solo con il biglietto cumulativo del relativo Circuito. Gli ingressi gratuiti sono riportati nel singolo Istituto)
Via Serapide - Via Nicola Terracciano, 75 80078 - POZZUOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 5266007 - fax: 081 5266007
Antiquarium (Visitabile a pagamento con il biglietto cumulativo del relativo Circuito. Nel singolo Istituto sono riportati gli ingressi gratuiti e quelli con biglietto a pagamento artecard)
via Settetermini, 15 (Loc. Villa Regina) 80041 - BOSCOREALE (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 5368796 -
Castel Sant''Elmo
Via Tito Angelini 80129 - NAPOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 -5784030 - fax: 081 2294498
Certosa di San Giacomo
Via Certosa 80073 - CAPRI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 -8376218 -
Grotta Azzurra
Accesso dal mare 80073 - ANACAPRI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8370381 - fax: 081 8370381
Museo Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei - Castello di Baia - (Visitabile a pagamento solo con il biglietto cumulativo del relativo Circuito)
Via Castello, 39 (Castello Aragonese di Baia) 80070 - BACOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 5233797 - fax: 081 5233797
Museo "Diego Aragona Pignatelli Cortes"
Riviera di Chiaia, 200 80121 - NAPOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 7612356 - fax: 081 669675
Museo Archeologico Nazionale
tel: 081 440166 - 081 292823 fax: 081 440013
Museo di Capodimonte
Via Miano, 1 80137 - NAPOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081/7499111 - fax: 081/7445032
Museo di San Martino
tel: 081 5781769 - fax: 081 5781769
Museo Nazionale della Ceramica "Duca di Martina"
Via Cimarosa, 77 (Villa Floridiana) 80127 - NAPOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 5788418 - fax: 081 5788418
Palazzo di Tiberio e Villa Jovis
Via Tiberio 80073 - CAPRI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8370381 - fax: 081 8370381
Palazzo Reale di Napoli
tel: 081 5808111 - fax: 081 403561
Parco Archeologico delle Terme di Baia (Visitabile a pagamento solo con il biglietto cumulativo del relativo Circuito)
Via Sella di Baia, 22 80070 - BACOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8687592 - fax: 081 5233797
Parco Archeologico di Cuma (Visitabile a pagamento solo con il biglietto cumulativo del relativo Circuito)
Via Acropoli, 1 - località Cuma 80078 - BACOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8040430 - fax: 081 8040430
Parco di Capodimonte
via Miano, 4 80131 - NAPOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 7410080 - 081 7419151 fax: 081 7410080
Piscina Mirabile
Via Greco 80070 - BACOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 5233199 - fax: 081 5233797
web: htpp://
Sacello degli Augustali
Via Sacello degli Augustali 80070 - BACOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8541469 - fax: 081 5233797
Scavi di Oplonti (Visitabile a pagamento con il biglietto cumulativo del relativo Circuito)
Via Sepolcri 80058 - TORRE ANNUNZIATA (NAPOLI)
tel: 081/8621755 -
Scavi di Stabia
Via Passeggiata Archeologica 80053 - CASTELLAMMARE DI STABIA (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8714541 - fax: 081 8714541
Scavi di Villa Regina (Visitabile solo con biglietto del relativo Circuito)
Via Settetermini, 15 (Località Villa Regina) - BOSCOREALE (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 274200 -
Scavi e Teatro Antico di Ercolano
Corso Resina, 5 - Ercolano 80056 - ERCOLANO (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 7324311 - fax: 081 7324344
Scavi Vecchi e Nuovi di Pompei
Villa dei Misteri 2 80045 - POMPEI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8575111 - 081 8575404 fax: 081 8625063
Tomba di Virgilio
Via Salita della Grotta, 20 80122 - NAPOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 669390 - fax:
Villa Imperiale di Damecuta
Via Amedeo Maiuri 80071 - ANACAPRI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8370381 - fax: 081 8370381
“A San Valentino, innamorati dell’arte”
Il 13 e 14 febbraio nei musei si entra in due con un solo biglietto.
L’iniziativa “Reti Amiche” a supporto dell’evento.
San Valentino è la festa degli innamorati e, per celebrare l’appuntamento, il Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali regala a tutti gli innamorati due giorni di arte e di cultura.
Il 13 e 14 febbraio in tutti i musei, monumenti e siti archeologici statali presentandosi in due si entrerà pagando un solo biglietto. Quest’anno, quindi, per la prima volta, un intero fine settimana sarà dedicato all’evento.
Di scena l'Amore, sentimento principe che nei secoli ha guidato la mano dei più grandi artisti, e l’Arte: un perfetto binomio dall’ineguagliabile forza ispiratrice.
Appartiene alla sensibilità di chiunque apprezzare la delicatezza del bacio tra “Amore e Psiche” agli Uffizi di Firenze, la languida postura della “Danae” di Tiziano nel Museo di Capodimonte, l’ambiguità de “L’Amor Sacro e Amor Profano” custodito nella Galleria Borghese e la fugacità della passione ne “Il Bacio” di Hayez alla Pinacoteca di Brera. Capolavori dell’arte che, insieme a tantissimi altri, trasformeranno per due giorni tutti i luoghi d'arte statali in romantici rifugi per coloro che vorranno sublimare i loro sentimenti attraverso un viaggio nel patrimonio culturale italiano.
Anche perché la cultura... fa bene all’amore!
Anfiteatro Flavio e Tempio di Serapide (Visitabile a pagamento solo con il biglietto cumulativo del relativo Circuito. Gli ingressi gratuiti sono riportati nel singolo Istituto)
Via Serapide - Via Nicola Terracciano, 75 80078 - POZZUOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 5266007 - fax: 081 5266007
Antiquarium (Visitabile a pagamento con il biglietto cumulativo del relativo Circuito. Nel singolo Istituto sono riportati gli ingressi gratuiti e quelli con biglietto a pagamento artecard)
via Settetermini, 15 (Loc. Villa Regina) 80041 - BOSCOREALE (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 5368796 -
Castel Sant''Elmo
Via Tito Angelini 80129 - NAPOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 -5784030 - fax: 081 2294498
Certosa di San Giacomo
Via Certosa 80073 - CAPRI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 -8376218 -
Grotta Azzurra
Accesso dal mare 80073 - ANACAPRI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8370381 - fax: 081 8370381
Museo Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei - Castello di Baia - (Visitabile a pagamento solo con il biglietto cumulativo del relativo Circuito)
Via Castello, 39 (Castello Aragonese di Baia) 80070 - BACOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 5233797 - fax: 081 5233797
Museo "Diego Aragona Pignatelli Cortes"
Riviera di Chiaia, 200 80121 - NAPOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 7612356 - fax: 081 669675
Museo Archeologico Nazionale
tel: 081 440166 - 081 292823 fax: 081 440013
Museo di Capodimonte
Via Miano, 1 80137 - NAPOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081/7499111 - fax: 081/7445032
Museo di San Martino
tel: 081 5781769 - fax: 081 5781769
Museo Nazionale della Ceramica "Duca di Martina"
Via Cimarosa, 77 (Villa Floridiana) 80127 - NAPOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 5788418 - fax: 081 5788418
Palazzo di Tiberio e Villa Jovis
Via Tiberio 80073 - CAPRI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8370381 - fax: 081 8370381
Palazzo Reale di Napoli
tel: 081 5808111 - fax: 081 403561
Parco Archeologico delle Terme di Baia (Visitabile a pagamento solo con il biglietto cumulativo del relativo Circuito)
Via Sella di Baia, 22 80070 - BACOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8687592 - fax: 081 5233797
Parco Archeologico di Cuma (Visitabile a pagamento solo con il biglietto cumulativo del relativo Circuito)
Via Acropoli, 1 - località Cuma 80078 - BACOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8040430 - fax: 081 8040430
Parco di Capodimonte
via Miano, 4 80131 - NAPOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 7410080 - 081 7419151 fax: 081 7410080
Piscina Mirabile
Via Greco 80070 - BACOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 5233199 - fax: 081 5233797
web: htpp://
Sacello degli Augustali
Via Sacello degli Augustali 80070 - BACOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8541469 - fax: 081 5233797
Scavi di Oplonti (Visitabile a pagamento con il biglietto cumulativo del relativo Circuito)
Via Sepolcri 80058 - TORRE ANNUNZIATA (NAPOLI)
tel: 081/8621755 -
Scavi di Stabia
Via Passeggiata Archeologica 80053 - CASTELLAMMARE DI STABIA (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8714541 - fax: 081 8714541
Scavi di Villa Regina (Visitabile solo con biglietto del relativo Circuito)
Via Settetermini, 15 (Località Villa Regina) - BOSCOREALE (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 274200 -
Scavi e Teatro Antico di Ercolano
Corso Resina, 5 - Ercolano 80056 - ERCOLANO (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 7324311 - fax: 081 7324344
Scavi Vecchi e Nuovi di Pompei
Villa dei Misteri 2 80045 - POMPEI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 8575111 - 081 8575404 fax: 081 8625063
Tomba di Virgilio
Via Salita della Grotta, 20 80122 - NAPOLI (NAPOLI)
tel: 081 669390 - fax:
Villa Imperiale di Damecuta
Via Amedeo Maiuri 80071 - ANACAPRI (NAPOLI)
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Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Conference: Teaching Pompeii
Press release from Wabash College, Indiana, about a conference on 'Teaching Pompeii':
A school year that started off with fly fishing as a liberal art takes a more classical turn this week with a liberal arts focus on Pompeii, Italy.
Assistant Professor of Classics Jeremy Hartnett ’96 will welcome eight colleagues from across the nation to “Teaching Pompeii in a Liberal Arts Setting: Contexts, Interdisciplinarity, and Collaboration.”
“Most of these people come from liberal arts colleges and dedicate their lives to teaching the Classics and classical archeology,” Hartnett said. “But at same time these people all have very active research programs. One of the specific challenges or working at Pompeii is how to get your research into the classroom or have students contribute to your research. So that’s another question this conference will explore.”
A school year that started off with fly fishing as a liberal art takes a more classical turn this week with a liberal arts focus on Pompeii, Italy.
Assistant Professor of Classics Jeremy Hartnett ’96 will welcome eight colleagues from across the nation to “Teaching Pompeii in a Liberal Arts Setting: Contexts, Interdisciplinarity, and Collaboration.”
“You could go around the campus and think about the material produced at Pompeii and how it touches on the different realms of life.” Hartnett said. “The liberal arts and Pompeii go together from the disciplinary approach to the site and also the material generated from the site.
“I wanted to organize this workshop as a way to explore that richness and also to see how my colleagues are teaching. I’m the only Roman archeologist on this campus and that’s true of all my colleagues invited to this workshop. Yet, this is a fundamental part of most of our curricula and we don’t get to talk about it very much. There aren’t many conversations happening on how to teach Pompeii or archeology.”
The conference kicks off with a keynote address from Wesleyan University’s Christopher Parslow. His lecture is titled, “Archeology in the Praedia (Properties) of Julia Felix in Pompeii.” Parslow will speak at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, in Baxter 101.
The eight visiting scholars will arrive Thursday afternoon and take part in sessions through Saturday afternoon.
Students in Hartnett’s Art/Classics 104: Roman Art and Archeology will be participating. He has led the Wabash men through a module about Pompeii and expects the students to be active participants during portions of the workshop.
Archeology and the liberal arts are natural partners, Hartnett explained. “Pompeii can be studied by a classics professor who can bring his or her perspective to it. It can also be studied fruitfully by a scientist.”
He went on to add students in his class have been reading about the study of bones from those found in the ruins. Other students have been reading analysis on the deposits on the inside walls of the aqueduct, studying about the cavities left by root systems and another group looked at the eruption itself .
"The sciences can look at Pompeii and have a whole different set of questions and skills they bring to the site, Hartnett said. "You could go around the campus and think about how the material produced at Pompeii and how it touches on the different realms of life; so the liberal arts and Pompeii go together.”
Hartnett also wanted to organize the workshop to help all nine participants bring a liberal arts perspective, not just to their teaching, but their respective campuses. “There is basically no scholarship done on how to teach archeology,” he said. “It’s a shame because cities like Pompeii offer us a remarkable laboratory for thinking about the human experience (or the liberal arts).”
The workshop will include presentations of scholarly work and discussion on research and teaching.
Monday, 1 February 2010
'Live excavation' at Pompeii
'Live excavation' at Pompeii
Work on House of Chaste Lovers open to public
Visitors to the archaeological site of Pompeii will soon get the chance to observe the complex excavation process involved as it happens.
Excavation and restoration work at the House of the Chaste Lovers, which resumed a few months ago following ten years of neglect, will open to the public from the start of February.
Visitors will be allowed to enter sections of the building and watch archaeologists at work, gaining a deeper understanding of the effort involved in bringing 2,000-year-old remains to light. ''This is a project of immense importance to us,'' said Pompeii's emergency commissioner Marcello Fiori, recalling it was a priority on his works programme, approved by the culture ministry in November. ''These 'open-door' excavations will greatly enrich the opportunities provided by Pompeii. ''They will provide visitors with a different kind of experience, in which they have the chance to observe the fascinating work of archaeologists in action, as well as seeing recently unearthed items in situ''. The site will be protected from damage by glass screens. Interior panels will provide visitors with practical information, while technology will offer a virtual reconstruction of the premises as they probably looked prior to their destruction.
Last week, reports appeared in some newspapers that the House of Chaste Lovers had been seriously damaged after a crane collapsed on top of the site but Pompeii Excavations Director Antonio Varone dismissed these claims. Accusing the media of ''alarmism'', he explained that there had been a ''small landslip that caused no significant damage''.
''Heavy rains led to earth movements in the insula (apartment block) next to that of the House of Chaste Lovers,'' he said.
''This caused the collapse of several meters of the boundary wall, which however contained no frescoes''. The House of the Chaste Lovers takes its name from its elaborate interior wall paintings showing lovers during a feast.
The premises were made up of living quarters and a small bakery opening directly on to the street where the public could buy bread. The bakery contained a large oven with millstones, while archaeologists have discovered the remains of mules, used to transport grain, in a stable at the back of the premises opening onto an alleyway.
Experts have already started reconstructing the garden space, using holes left by the reed markers that once surrounded it. The most recent finds include a large cistern, used to provide water to the bakery, and the remains of building materials, which archaeologists believe were being used to repair damage to the premises caused by a small earthquake not long before Vesuvius erupted. Paint pots, a small furnace, a compass and partially completed wall sketches indicate that the living quarters were also being redecorated at the time of the eruption. ''All this shows again how Pompeian society was lively and active at the time of the disaster,'' concluded Varone.
'Live excavation' at Pompeii
Work on House of Chaste Lovers open to public
Visitors to the archaeological site of Pompeii will soon get the chance to observe the complex excavation process involved as it happens.
Excavation and restoration work at the House of the Chaste Lovers, which resumed a few months ago following ten years of neglect, will open to the public from the start of February.
Visitors will be allowed to enter sections of the building and watch archaeologists at work, gaining a deeper understanding of the effort involved in bringing 2,000-year-old remains to light. ''This is a project of immense importance to us,'' said Pompeii's emergency commissioner Marcello Fiori, recalling it was a priority on his works programme, approved by the culture ministry in November. ''These 'open-door' excavations will greatly enrich the opportunities provided by Pompeii. ''They will provide visitors with a different kind of experience, in which they have the chance to observe the fascinating work of archaeologists in action, as well as seeing recently unearthed items in situ''. The site will be protected from damage by glass screens. Interior panels will provide visitors with practical information, while technology will offer a virtual reconstruction of the premises as they probably looked prior to their destruction.
Last week, reports appeared in some newspapers that the House of Chaste Lovers had been seriously damaged after a crane collapsed on top of the site but Pompeii Excavations Director Antonio Varone dismissed these claims. Accusing the media of ''alarmism'', he explained that there had been a ''small landslip that caused no significant damage''.
''Heavy rains led to earth movements in the insula (apartment block) next to that of the House of Chaste Lovers,'' he said.
''This caused the collapse of several meters of the boundary wall, which however contained no frescoes''. The House of the Chaste Lovers takes its name from its elaborate interior wall paintings showing lovers during a feast.
The premises were made up of living quarters and a small bakery opening directly on to the street where the public could buy bread. The bakery contained a large oven with millstones, while archaeologists have discovered the remains of mules, used to transport grain, in a stable at the back of the premises opening onto an alleyway.
Experts have already started reconstructing the garden space, using holes left by the reed markers that once surrounded it. The most recent finds include a large cistern, used to provide water to the bakery, and the remains of building materials, which archaeologists believe were being used to repair damage to the premises caused by a small earthquake not long before Vesuvius erupted. Paint pots, a small furnace, a compass and partially completed wall sketches indicate that the living quarters were also being redecorated at the time of the eruption. ''All this shows again how Pompeian society was lively and active at the time of the disaster,'' concluded Varone.
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