I'm fairly new to the social networking/microblogging phenomenon called
Twitter, and am still trying to really figure out an application for it other than informing the world that I had a veggie burger for lunch... There are a number of archaeology-based Twitterers out there, including
Adrian Murdoch and
RogueClassicism; their posts have directed me to loads of archaeology news and other information.
Failing to find a "serious" use for Twitter myself, I enjoy finding the comedy gems, like the site
Historical Tweets that posts faux messages regarding some very real historical events. This one had me with tears of laughter last week:

[For those of you not familiar with the shorthand of Twitter, the @ symbol is used before a Twitter user name to send a message directly to that user. All Twitter messages are 140 characters or fewer.]
Another historical tweet captures an ominous conversation between Brutus and Caesar.
[For those of you who are interested in my relatively random use of Twitter,
follow me here.]
Thank you for this, Francesca. I really enjoyed laughing at these before settling down to work this morning. And they will be great for student lectures!
My pleasure--glad I'm not the only one easily amused by archaeology humor :)
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