Thursday 22 August 2013

First Look!

of the Pompeii Movie!

Pompeii Teaser Trailer

Oh, its going to be an epic laugh for most of us but who else is looking forward to it!  I was a bit confused about the plaster cast people being there during the eruption...

PPRH field season in October

Public and Private in the Roman House  Project (a.k.a. PPRH) from the University of Helsinki
is arranging a field season in Campania from 14th to 31st of October. We'll be working mainly in Herculaneum (and especially in Casa del Tramezzo di Legno).
Please do come visit us!

Sunday 11 August 2013

White Trails of History

Recently, I have started my own homepage, where I am going to place results of almost all of my researches and interests.

The Site is in two languages: Russian and German, however the content is not exactly the same. Unfortunately, I will be not in a position in the nearest future to make this Site also in English, if ever. Unluckily Luckily, for those people who doesn't speak Russian or German there is the Google-Translator, but be careful using it. 
Anyway you are welcome!
I hope you will enjoy.


Friday 2 August 2013

Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia to be again a "Soprintendenza Speciale", separated from Napoli and Caserta.

A new decree from the Consiglio dei Ministri has established the independence of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia from Napoli and Caserta. However, a new figure will be created, the director of the "Progetto Pompei" who will be in charge of "definire le emergenze, assicurare lo svolgimento delle gare, migliorare la gestione del sito e delle spese" (identifies the areas in need of emergency activities, take care of the contracts, better the management of the site and expenditures".
Link to the article on Repubblica
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