Monday, 7 November 2016

Pompeii Insula VI.1 the finds

I’m very pleased to announce that my report on the small finds and vessel glass from the 1995-2006 excavations in Insula VI.1 at Pompeii has just been published by Archaeopress in their Archaeopress Roman Archaeology series. This is accompanied by a digital component that the Archaeological Data Service is hosting.  I’ve written a website to accompany the publication and that can be found at

The website provides links to the publisher and the ADS resource, as well as the various papers that have already been published on the material.  The most recent of those was ‘Recreation or decoration: what were the glass counters from Pompeii used for?’, Papers of the British School at Rome 84 (2016), 157-77.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

The Herculaneum Conservation Project on

The Herculaneum Conservation Project team tries, whenever possible, to share information on our work with whoever is interested. Recently we have created an page for our publications and have made available as many as possible for download. Please have a look at and let us know if you have any problems!

Saturday, 24 September 2016

New paper: 'Una nota di archeologia campana: il Dioniso nel tipo 'Sardanapalo' dalla villa imperiale del Pausilypon a Napoli'

The big marble statue of so called 'Dionysos Sardanapalos' in London British Museum since 1883, from the Pausilypon in Naples, need to clarify some important points as well as its definitive chronology. This paper tries to solve these problems, offering a detailed analysis of the marble statue and of the documenst about its finding story.

Friday, 9 September 2016

2016 Excavations at Pompeii: Porta Nola Necropolis

The Pompeii Porta Nola Necropolis Project, a joint collaboration between the British School at Rome, the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Letras y Ciencias de Valencia y Castellòn. Departamento de Arqueologia and the Museo de Prehistoria e Historia de La Diputación De Valencia has just posted a short blog on our recently concluded field season on the BSR blog:
More detailed reports to follow.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Research scholarship on the “dark side” of Vesuvius - Call for applications

Research scholarship on the “dark side” of Vesuvius - Call for applications

The Apolline Project is a multi-disciplinary research project investigating the northern ‘dark side’ of Vesuvius examining several sites in the area as case studies for archaeological investigation of the ancient territories of Neapolis and Nola. Since its foundation in 2004 the project has yielded important results in various fields of study including archaeology, volcanology, and paleobotany (a complete list of publications is available here:

In the spirit of fostering research on the ancient territories of Neapolis and Nola we are delighted to announce that this year we will be able to offer four awards for fellow non-Italian researchers in the ongoing season. Thanks to the generosity of the AREC – the association of the former regional counsellors of Campania – there will be one scholarship of € 1000 and three of € 500 awarded, which will be used to support travel and research-related expenses. The candidates will be considered by a committee consisting of University professors, officers from the Superintendency, and a representative of the AREC.

The aim is to provide research worthy of publication, focusing on the study of archaeological remains from contexts following the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD in the ancient territories of Neapolis and Nola, with preference to those related to the so-called Villa of Augustus in Somma Vesuviana, the Villa with baths of Pollena Trocchia, and the other archaeological sites of this territory.

In order to be considered applicants must fit the following criteria:

                • Applicants must be enrolled at a university either as a post-graduate student or fellow.
                • Participation must be carried out during 2016.
                • Fields of research which will be considered for this award include archaeology, conservation, heritage management, public archaeology, and other subjects specifically related to the ancient territories of Neapolis and Nola.
                • Award holders are expected to submit a written report on the results of their work within a month of completion. In addition the researchers are asked to submit a digital copy of any publication or dissertation arising from this work to the archive of the Apolline Project and present the results on the events organised by project.
                • The successful candidates are expected to carry out the research in the place of the area of study (free accommodation can be provided by the Apolline Project).

How to apply

Applications will be considered on the basis of the following documents submitted by email to the Apolline Project at by 16th September 2016. The application should include:

                • a curriculum vitae (maximum 3 pages);
                • a short description of the applicant’s university research and how the award would contribute to this research (maximum 1 page);
                • the contact details of two academic referees (only for post-graduates, unnecessary for established scholars).

In order to maintain a high level of professional research all applications will be carefully reviewed. In case the number of approved applications are lower than four, less scholarships will be awarded or the available funds with be redistributed as appropriate.

For any further information please contact Dr. Girolamo Ferdinando De Simone, director of the Apolline Project (

Dr. Girolamo F. De Simone
Director, Apolline Project

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Italy earmarks one billion euros for cultural investments.

Italy said Monday it was earmarking one billion euros for cultural investments, including restoration works in Pompeii, the Uffizi gallery in Florence and the earthquake-hit city of L'Aquila.

Culture Minister Dario Franceschini said it was the "biggest patrimony intervention in Italy's history", telling a press conference the funds would go to 33 projects in 13 regions of the country: "dreams, kept in drawers, which never had the necessary resources".

Some 40 million euros ($46 million) will go into the expansion of the Uffizi museum, in particular a plan to open to the public the "secret" Vasari Corridor, which connects the museum to the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, and is currently only open to private tours.

Forty million euros goes to the ancient city of Pompeii, frozen in time after Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79AD, which spent much of the last decade in the headlines as Roman-era walls and mosaics crumbled away due to poor maintenance.

UNESCO World Heritage Site Herculaneum, a richer Pompeii with 75 percent of its ruins still unexcavated, will get 10 million euros.

Thirty million euros are earmarked for the historic centre of L'Aquila, the medieval town partially destroyed in a 2009 earthquake that killed 309 people, left around 65,000 homeless and toppled priceless churches and monuments.

Another 20 million euros will go to restoring the Paestum Museum in southern Italy on a site which boasts three of the best preserved Greek temples in the world, and 25 million euros is earmarked for the archaeological park at the Phlegraean Fields, or "burning fields", near Naples.

Franceschini described the "huge leap" in investments as "proof that this government believes in culture driving growth", adding that the cultural ministry had seen its funding increased 27 percent in 2016 from a year earlier.

Source Archaeology News Network

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Article: Ex votos in Pompeii – an interview with Monsignor Pietro Caggiano

From The Votives Project:
Ex votos in Pompeii – an interview with Monsignor Pietro Caggiano
'This week I interviewed Monsignor Pietro Caggiano of the Pontifical Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary in Pompeii – home to a significant collection of ex votos which has accumulated since the Sanctuary’s foundation at the end of the nineteenth century. Monsignor Caggiano has written about the theology of ex votos, and he is currently curating an exhibition of ancient and modern votive offerings, to be held in the Pompeii Antiquarium later this Spring (link and details to follow). The interview took place in the Archivio Bartolo Longo on 7th April 2016.'

Read the article here.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

La ville, les mœurs, les arts. L'Antiquité vue par Pierre Gusman (1862-1941). Une rencontre autour d’un fonds de la bibliothèque de l’Inha

«Fragments de bandes décoratives encadrant des panneaux à fond uni»
(P. Gusman, La Décoration murale à Pompéi, Tav. XXXI, Paris, 1924)
Mercredi 13 avril 2016 - 9h30-17h
Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles 
Galerie Colbert, salle Giorgio Vasari
Institut national d’histoire de l’art
2, rue Vivienne
75002 Paris

Cette journée d’étude veut être une première rencontre entre spécialistes de diverses disciplines ayant tous pu déjà constater l’intérêt majeur de ce fonds d’archives, conservé à la Bibliothèque de l’INHA. Il s’agira, en fonction des champs d’intérêts de chacun et en cherchant à ouvrir sur les multiples possibilités d’études et de recherches que le fonds suggère, de donner une vision panoramique des documents qui le composent. Une petite exposition documentaire permettra de mettre en lumière les procédés employés par Pierre Gusman pour relever et transcrire architectures et décors antiques.
Après un premier séjour en Italie dans l’esprit du Grand Tour, P. Gusman (1896) y revint à plusieurs reprises, fasciné par ses panoramas et ses villes qu’il photographia et dessina. Le dialogue constant entre ces deux arts se reflète dans les documents du fonds. À la recherche de la couleur dans une photographie en blanc et noir, Pierre Gusman fusionna photographie et peinture pour combler les limites de son temps. Ses ouvrages sur Pompéi, Rome et Tivoli se nourrissent d’un nouveau regard critique sur les antiquités qui, peu de temps après, allait prendre le dessus sur la vision antiquaire.
Grâce aux contributions de spécialistes de diverses disciplines ayant tous pu déjà constater l’intérêt majeur de ce fonds d’archives, notre rencontre voudrait ouvrir une fenêtre sur les modi operandi de Gusman et sur des points spécifiques de l’oeuvre de ce personnage aux talents multiples qui demeure encore mal connu.

Comité scientifique
  • Martine Denoyelle (INHA),
  • Sandra Zanella (Collège de France, AOROC

Saturday, 26 March 2016

A story from the Telegraph's iPhone app on the new "whistleblower" scheme of the Superintendancy in an attempt to catch corruption in the expenditure of funds in the Grande Progetto di Pompei:

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

New book: 79 storie su Pompei che non vi hanno mai raccontato

Lara Anniboletti 79 storie su Pompei che non vi hanno mai raccontato. L' Erma di Bretschneider, 2016

Abstract Indice Autori / Curatori
Pompei, un'intera città di 2000 anni fa cristallizzata in un giorno di fine estate del 79 d.C., con i suoi monumenti che da oltre 200 anni appassionano esperti di arte antica, ma anche viaggiatori, affascinati dall'unicità di un paesaggio unico al mondo. Ma Pompei non è solo questo. E' innanzitutto vita, un insieme di storie di un'umanità lontana millenni da noi che lavora, ama, gioca, mangia, fa politica, scrive, mercanteggia, odia, ruba.....
Ecco allora 79 storie insolite che fanno scoprire la magia della vita che pulsa, curiosità che svelano consuetudini degli abitanti che ci vivono, a volte distanti dal gusto della nostra epoca, a volte sorprendentemente affini, storie che ci trasportano in un mondo lontano che il caso ha voluto non fosse per sempre perduto.

Lara Anniboletti è nata a Perugia nel 1973. Laureata e specializzata in Archeologia, ha conseguito un Dottorato di Ricerca presso l'Università di Roma "Tor Vergata". Da decenni conduce la sua attività di ricerca scientifica prevalentemente su temi pompeiani, pubblicando diversi articoli inerenti aspetti della religione domestica, dell'architettura in ambito privato e sulle mura antiche della città. Tra le sue passioni indubbiamente la storia antica e l'archeologia. Oggi lavora presso la Soprintendenza di Pompei quale membro della Segreteria Tecnica di Progettazione del "Grande Progetto Pompei".

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Books sales - Vendita promozionale delle pubblicazioni del Centre Jean Bérard

Dal 25 febbraio al 16 marzo 2016
Il Centre Jean Bérard propone una vendita promozionale delle sue pubblicazioni.
Libri che riguardano Pompei e la regione vesuviana: 
Les "bourgeoisies"’ municipales italiennes aux IIe et Ier siècles av. J.-C. Actes du Coll. Internat. du CNRS n. 609 (Naples 1981). 1983, 468 p., 41 pl. 26,80€ anziché 67,00 €  (-60%)

ALBORE LIVADIE Cl. (éd.), Tremblements de terre, éruptions volcaniques et vie des hommes dans la Campanie antique. 1986, 233 p., 99 pl. 12,40€ anziché 31,00 € (-60%)
Le ravitaillement en blé de Rome et des centres urbains des débuts de la République jusqu’au Haut Empire. Actes du Coll. Internat. (Naples 1991) Naples-Rome, 1994, 336 p., 78 fig., 1 dépl. (Co-éd. avec EFR).16,40€ anziché 41,00 € (-60%)
Les élites municipales de l’Italie péninsulaire des Gracques à Néron. Actes du Coll. Internat. (Clermont-Ferrand 1991) (M. Cébeillac-Gervasoni éd.). Naples-Rome, 1996, 295 p., 51 fig., 3 dépl. (co-éd. avec EFR) 14,40€ anziché 36,00 € (-60%)
Les céramiques communes de Campanie et de Narbonnaise (Ier s. av. J.-C.-IIe s. ap. J.-C.): la vaisselle de cuisine et de table. Actes des Journées d’étude (Naples 1994). 1996, 486 p., 284 fig., 1 dépl. Actes des Journées d’étude (Naples 1994). 1996, 486 p., 284 fig., 1 dépl. 19,60€ anziché 49,00 € (-60%)
La Villa San Marco a Stabia (éd. A. Barbet, P. Miniero). Napoli-Roma-Pompei, 2000; 1 vol. Testo + 2 vol. ill., 412 p., 24 pl. coul., 758 fig. (co-éd. avec EFR et Soprint. Archeol. Pompei)
41,20€ anziché 103,00 € (-60%)
L'alun de Méditerranée. Actes du colloque international (Naples 2003). (éd. Ph. Borgard, J.-P. Brun et M. Picon), 2005, 356 p. 135. fig. (co-ed. avec le Centre Camille Jullian)
16,00€ anziché 40,00 € (-60%)
Les céramiques communes antiques d'Italie et de Narbonnaise: structures de production, typologies et contextes inédits, IIe s. av. J.-C. IIIe s. apr. J.-C.. Actes de la table ronde de Naples, organisée les 2 et 3 novembre 2006 par l'ARC et le Centre Jean Bérard (dir. M. Pasqualini). 2009, 724 p., fig.   24,00€ anziché 60,00 € (-60%)
BOTTE E., Salaisons et sauces de poissons en Italie du Sud et en Sicile durant l'Antiquité. 2009, 229 p., 4 pl., fig. (Archéologie de l'artisanat antique, 1) 15,00€ anziché 30,00 € (-50%)
Artisanats antiques d'Italie et de Gaule : mélanges offerts à Maria Francesca Buonaiuto. (éd. J.-P. Brun) 2009, 316 p., ill. (Archéologie de l'artisanat antique, 2)  20,00€ anziché 40,00 € (-50%)
CULLIN-MINGAUD M., La vannerie dans l'Antiquité romaine. 2010, 298 p., ill. (Archéologie de l'artisanat antique, 3)  25,00€ anziché 50,00 € (-50%)

Les savoirs professionnels des gens de métier: études sur le monde du travail dans les sociétés urbaines de l’empire romain. (dir. N. Monteix et N. Tran) 2011, 172 p., ill. (Archéologie de l'artisanat antique, 5) 15,00€ anziché 30,00 € (-50%)

BRUN J.-L., M. LEGUILLOUX , Les installations artisanales romaines de Saepinum. Tannerie et moulin hydraulique. 2014, 182 p., ill.
25,50€ anziché 30,00 € (-15%)

MULLIEZ M., Le luxe de l'imitation. Les trompe-l'œil de la fin de la République romaine, mémoire des artisans de la couleur. 2014, 236 p., ill.
41,65€ anziché 49,00 € (-15%)

LAFORGE M.-O., La religion privée à Pompéi. 2009, 245 p., ill. 
15,00€ anziché 30,00 € (-50%)

GRELL CH., Herculanum et Pompéi dans les récits des voyageurs français du XVIIIe siècle. 1982, 230 p. 
7,50€ anziché 15,00 € (-50%)

BROSSES CH. de, Lettres familières. Ed. crit. et notes (sur les mss. revus et corrigés par l’auteur) par L. Cagiano de Azevedo et G. Cafasso. 1991, 3 vol. XII-1447 p., 11 fig. 23,10€ anziché 77,00 € (-70%)

BURLOT D., Fabriquer l'antique : les contrefaçons de peinture murale antique au XVIIIe siècle. 2012, 347 p, ill. en noir et en coul. 25,50€ anziché 30,00 € (-15%)

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