Thursday, 25 February 2016

Books sales - Vendita promozionale delle pubblicazioni del Centre Jean Bérard

Dal 25 febbraio al 16 marzo 2016
Il Centre Jean Bérard propone una vendita promozionale delle sue pubblicazioni.
Libri che riguardano Pompei e la regione vesuviana: 
Les "bourgeoisies"’ municipales italiennes aux IIe et Ier siècles av. J.-C. Actes du Coll. Internat. du CNRS n. 609 (Naples 1981). 1983, 468 p., 41 pl. 26,80€ anziché 67,00 €  (-60%)

ALBORE LIVADIE Cl. (éd.), Tremblements de terre, éruptions volcaniques et vie des hommes dans la Campanie antique. 1986, 233 p., 99 pl. 12,40€ anziché 31,00 € (-60%)
Le ravitaillement en blé de Rome et des centres urbains des débuts de la République jusqu’au Haut Empire. Actes du Coll. Internat. (Naples 1991) Naples-Rome, 1994, 336 p., 78 fig., 1 dépl. (Co-éd. avec EFR).16,40€ anziché 41,00 € (-60%)
Les élites municipales de l’Italie péninsulaire des Gracques à Néron. Actes du Coll. Internat. (Clermont-Ferrand 1991) (M. Cébeillac-Gervasoni éd.). Naples-Rome, 1996, 295 p., 51 fig., 3 dépl. (co-éd. avec EFR) 14,40€ anziché 36,00 € (-60%)
Les céramiques communes de Campanie et de Narbonnaise (Ier s. av. J.-C.-IIe s. ap. J.-C.): la vaisselle de cuisine et de table. Actes des Journées d’étude (Naples 1994). 1996, 486 p., 284 fig., 1 dépl. Actes des Journées d’étude (Naples 1994). 1996, 486 p., 284 fig., 1 dépl. 19,60€ anziché 49,00 € (-60%)
La Villa San Marco a Stabia (éd. A. Barbet, P. Miniero). Napoli-Roma-Pompei, 2000; 1 vol. Testo + 2 vol. ill., 412 p., 24 pl. coul., 758 fig. (co-éd. avec EFR et Soprint. Archeol. Pompei)
41,20€ anziché 103,00 € (-60%)
L'alun de Méditerranée. Actes du colloque international (Naples 2003). (éd. Ph. Borgard, J.-P. Brun et M. Picon), 2005, 356 p. 135. fig. (co-ed. avec le Centre Camille Jullian)
16,00€ anziché 40,00 € (-60%)
Les céramiques communes antiques d'Italie et de Narbonnaise: structures de production, typologies et contextes inédits, IIe s. av. J.-C. IIIe s. apr. J.-C.. Actes de la table ronde de Naples, organisée les 2 et 3 novembre 2006 par l'ARC et le Centre Jean Bérard (dir. M. Pasqualini). 2009, 724 p., fig.   24,00€ anziché 60,00 € (-60%)
BOTTE E., Salaisons et sauces de poissons en Italie du Sud et en Sicile durant l'Antiquité. 2009, 229 p., 4 pl., fig. (Archéologie de l'artisanat antique, 1) 15,00€ anziché 30,00 € (-50%)
Artisanats antiques d'Italie et de Gaule : mélanges offerts à Maria Francesca Buonaiuto. (éd. J.-P. Brun) 2009, 316 p., ill. (Archéologie de l'artisanat antique, 2)  20,00€ anziché 40,00 € (-50%)
CULLIN-MINGAUD M., La vannerie dans l'Antiquité romaine. 2010, 298 p., ill. (Archéologie de l'artisanat antique, 3)  25,00€ anziché 50,00 € (-50%)

Les savoirs professionnels des gens de métier: études sur le monde du travail dans les sociétés urbaines de l’empire romain. (dir. N. Monteix et N. Tran) 2011, 172 p., ill. (Archéologie de l'artisanat antique, 5) 15,00€ anziché 30,00 € (-50%)

BRUN J.-L., M. LEGUILLOUX , Les installations artisanales romaines de Saepinum. Tannerie et moulin hydraulique. 2014, 182 p., ill.
25,50€ anziché 30,00 € (-15%)

MULLIEZ M., Le luxe de l'imitation. Les trompe-l'œil de la fin de la République romaine, mémoire des artisans de la couleur. 2014, 236 p., ill.
41,65€ anziché 49,00 € (-15%)

LAFORGE M.-O., La religion privée à Pompéi. 2009, 245 p., ill. 
15,00€ anziché 30,00 € (-50%)

GRELL CH., Herculanum et Pompéi dans les récits des voyageurs français du XVIIIe siècle. 1982, 230 p. 
7,50€ anziché 15,00 € (-50%)

BROSSES CH. de, Lettres familières. Ed. crit. et notes (sur les mss. revus et corrigés par l’auteur) par L. Cagiano de Azevedo et G. Cafasso. 1991, 3 vol. XII-1447 p., 11 fig. 23,10€ anziché 77,00 € (-70%)

BURLOT D., Fabriquer l'antique : les contrefaçons de peinture murale antique au XVIIIe siècle. 2012, 347 p, ill. en noir et en coul. 25,50€ anziché 30,00 € (-15%)

 Catalogo completo *** Buono d'ordine *** Elenco prezzi

I libri precedentemente ordinati via mail, tramite invio del buono d’ordine, possono essere ritirati presso il Centre Jean Bérard,
via F. Crispi, 86 Napoli, dal 25 febbraio al 10 marzo 2016 (dalle 10 alle 13 e dalle 15 alle 16 :30).
Il pagamento sarà effettuato in loco in contanti.

· I libri ordinati possono essere inviati per posta.
In questo caso, si precisa che:
Si accetteranno solo gli ordini che ci saranno pervenuti tramite mail entro il 10 marzo 2016.
Vi invieremo una fattura pro forma, che dovrà essere regolata durante il periodo promozionale.
I libri saranno spediti in seguito all’avvenuto pagamento. Spedizione e spese bancarie saranno a vostro carico.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Call For Papers: The Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum: Then and Now

The American Friends of Herculaneum invite proposals for papers (of 15 or 20 minutes in length) for its sponsored panel at the next annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society for Classical Studies, to be held in Toronto, January 5-8, 2017. Papers can be on any and all aspects of the Villa dei Papiri in Herculaneum: texts, architecture, sculpture, painting, excavations, conservation, historiography, recent finds, new directions, and new initiatives. One-page anonymous proposals with a cover letter should be received by March 1st, sent to Ms Nancy A. Smith, Department of Classics, New York University, 100 Washington Square East, Room 503, New York, N.Y. 10003 (or 

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Call for application - Doctoral workhop in Pompeii

Writing in Urban and Periurban contextx  - Pompeii 11th July  - 15th July, 2016  


Whatever their nature, inscriptions are essential evidence for the historian of the Roman world. After a long tradition of studying only the contents of these texts, epigraphy is now paying closer attention to their supports and their contexts. Due to their remarkable preservation, the Campanian cities buried by Mt. Vesuvius provide an incomparable setting for understanding the contexts of various forms of writing. However, conditions of discovery, scholarship, and conservation in these cities raise specific problems regarding the displacement, intentional destruction, and loss of epigraphic evidence in antiquity, as well as modern times.

This doctoral workshop aims at introducing some of the challenges, problems and methods related to the study of writing and its use in urban and periurban spaces. In addition to a presentation of the methods and tools of epigraphy, the workshop will seek to characterize the epigraphic habits of different areas that make up the fabric of a city, both in its everyday and exceptional expressions. We will thus tackle issues such as writing as a means of communication for public authority and community from a wide chronological viewpoint; the contribution of writing to a knowledge of urban topography; writing related to production areas and activities; writing in funerary landscapes, and attitudes toward death. The workshop will build on case studies from the Campanian cities and, possibly, Roman Italy, which will enable a comprehensive understanding of the texts and their archaeological and topographical contexts.

The theme is aimed at students of epigraphy (PhD students or young post-docs), but also and especially at historians and archaeologists whose research issues would overlap with these questions and who have a moderate familiarity with this kind of evidence. The workshop will take place from Monday, 11th July – Friday, 15th July, 2016 in Pompeii. Lessons will be held in French, Italian and English: good skill in these languages is therefore required. The sessions will be organised into thematic working days, with both classwork and fieldwork. The afternoons will be reserved for presentation and discussion of the students’ work.

Conditions for application

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