Friday, 1 November 2019

You can continue to use

Well the Brexit deadline of 31st October came and went. 

The good news is that we have found a solution that will allow the continued use of now and long into the future unaffected by Brexit.

We will update you if anything changes in the future but we believe the issue is sorted once and for all.

We wish our .eu users many happy hours and years on

Jackie and Bob

Wednesday, 18 September 2019 users and Brexit

If the UK leaves the EU with no deal on 31st October

If you are using and the UK leaves the EU with no deal on 31st October the EU will arbitrarily close down all .eu websites registered with UK postal addresses, like ours, on 1st January 2020.

This is because a web site registered for a UK citizen with a UK address will no longer be allowed.

As we are two pensioners with only one home, in the UK, we do not have access to an EU address/subsidiary.

From the 1st January will stop working

Normally we would automatically redirect you to one of our other sites but if is not working neither will any redirection.

This will not help you if you find us via an existing search engine link as you will be told the site does not exist and denied access.

We are powerless to do anything about this petty, farcical state of affairs.

What can you do?

All we can suggest is that you start to use or instead and change any browser bookmarks.

If you have a published reference or bookmark with in it, the simplest way to deal with it is to change the eu to org (or eu to com/pompeiiinpictures).

If the UK has a deal

The same issue still arises but the site will be closed down after a year or so, whatever is the Brexit deal transition period.

Our apologies

We know a lot of you in Europe use

Please accept our apologies for this situation which is not of our making and we hope you continue to find pompeiiinpictures as valuable as you have in the past.

If you have an ideas on how to better tackle this problem we would welcome any input.

Jackie and Bob

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Villa dei Papiri Exhibition 

Buried by Vesuvius: Treasures from the Villa dei Papiri
at the Getty Villa, June 26-October 28, 2019

Thursday, 13 June 2019

News from the Getty Conservation Institute

Public Programs

The Future of the Past at Herculaneum

Getty Villa
Thursday, June 27, 2019, at 7:30 pm

Francesco Sirano, director of the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum (PA-ERCO), discusses the past, present, and future of the site buried by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in AD 79. Excavated in 1738, a decade before nearby Pompeii, Herculaneum presents challenges and opportunities different from its more famous neighbor. Sirano addresses exciting new finds, conservation issues, and recent efforts to boost public awareness and engagement.

Free. Advance ticket required.

Of related interested:
Conservation of the Architectural Surfaces in the Tablinum of the House of the Bicentenary, Herculaneum. This report details GCI's collaborative project with PA-ERCO and the Herculaneum Conservation Project on the conservation of the tablinum from 2011 through 2016.

Monday, 18 March 2019

Herculaneum Society scholarships

The Herculaneum Society is pleased to announce two scholarships of £1500 for registered postgraduate or postdoctoral students working on topics related to Herculaneum. One award will be for papyrology while the other can be on any topic. Deadline 23 April 2019; more details at .

Friday, 11 January 2019

Presentazione del volume "Symplegmata. Studi di archeologia dedicati a Simona Minichino"

An Introduction to the Drunken Satyr, A Rare Roman Bronze Being Studied and Conserved at the Getty Villa

Posted on behalf on Kenneth Lapatin:
In advance of the exhibition on the Villa dei Papiri that will open at the Getty Villa in June, the bronze statue of a Drunken Satyr has arrived in Malibu from MANN, and we have written a blog with an embedded video that might well be of interest: An Introduction to the Drunken Satyr
A man and a woman standing near a large bronze of a reclining male figure, half removed from its shipping crate

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

The journal "Vesuviana: An International Journal of Archaeological and Historical Studies on Pompeii and Herculaneum" has just issued the latest edition (NB: listed as 2017). The contents are as follows:

Domenico Camardo, Mario Notomista, La Casa a graticcio di Ercolano (III, 13-15). La struttura dell'edificio ed i suoi restauri;

Kaius Tuori, Laura Nissin, Juhana Heikonen, Samuli Simelius, The (in)discreet charm of the bourgeoisie: Public and private spheres in a Roman house in Herculaneum (Casa del Tramezzo di Legno);

Aldo Cinque, Giolinda Irollo, La marcitura sotterranea delle antiche cortine murarie: primi esiti di studio su un fenomeno tipico di Herculaneum;

Michele Stefanile, I Lollii pompeiani: alcune osservazioni epigrafiche.

A new edition of the Rivista di Studi Pompeiani has been published in both digital and hard copy, with the following contents:

Pier Giovanni Guzzo, Enzo Lippolis in memoriam
Alessandro Gallo, Un rilievo marmoreo inedito dalla Regio I di Pompei
ne Eristov, Bernard Parzysz, Une intrigante lame d' ivoire pompéienne
Domenico Russo, La Palestra Sannitica di Pompei nelle vedute del XIX secolo
Patrizio Pensabene, Villa A di Oplontis: Elementi della decorazione architettonica in marmo
Valerio Bruni, La Casa VII 16 1, 12-14. Un caso di studio sulle trasformazioni delle case a terrazza dell'Insula Occidentalis a Pompei
Vincenzo Scarano Ussani, Cibo e meretricio. Osterie e panifi ci del I secolo d.C.
Michele Di Gerio, Studio sulla fi gura di Iapige dell' aff resco Enea ferito' : dal Pater familias al medicus militare
Klara De Decker, Kaiserzeitliche Bronzekrüge mit reliefi erten Schlangenkoerper aus Pompeji und Herculaneum
Ernesto De Carolis, Roberta Pardi, Indagini archeologiche nel territorio del Comune di Pompei (anni 2013-2016)
Ernesto De Carolis, Francesco Esposito, Diego Ferrara, Appunti sull' uso delle grappe a Pompei: storia di un metodo e documentazione fotografi ca ottocentesca
Lavinia De Rosa, Il mosaico dei fi losofi tra Napoli nobilissima e documentazione d' archivio
Simona Formola, Strategie decorative in ambienti di rappresentanza in posizione planimetrica inusuale: l' esempio ercolanese

Uffi cio Scavi di Pompei. Attività 2017 (G. Stefani)
Pompei scavi, Arredamento, design e grafi ca per gli ambienti dell' ingresso di piazza Esedra (I. Bergamasco)
Studio archeozoologico e isolamento di DNA antico' sui reperti ossei di cani pompeiani (G. Oliva)
Uffi cio Scavi di Oplontis. Attività 2017 (I. Bergamasco)
Uffi cio Scavi di Boscoreale. Notiziario 2017 (A.M. Sodo)
Il nuovo Parco Archeologico di Ercolano. Introduzione (F. Sirano)
Le attività del 2017 del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano (Team tecnico-scientifi co del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano, relazione di A. Santaniello, M. Caso)
L' Herculaneum Conservation Project nell' anno 2017. L' Herculaneum Conservation Project e il nuovo Parco Archeologico di Ercolano (Team dell' Herculaneum Conservation Project: D. Camardo, S. Court, A. D' Andrea, A. Laino, P. Pesaresi, J. Thompson)
I rinvenimenti nell' area dell' antica spiaggia di Ercolano e le dinamiche dell' eruzione del 79 d.C. (D. Camardo, M. Notomista)
Uffi cio Scavi di Stabia. Attività anno 2017(G. Bonifacio)
Conservation works on wall paintings in Villa Arianna at Stabiae carried out by the Academy of Fine arts in Warsaw in 2017 (K. Chmielewski, J. Burdajewicz)
Villa Arianna, Stabiae: interventi di pulitura, scavo e restauro nell' ambiente 71 e nell' area esterna 73 condotti dal Museo Ermitage di San Pietroburgo (P. Gardelli, A. Butyagin)
Il progetto catalogazione Tess Stabiae. Dati acquisiti e prospettive di ricerca (C. Ariano)
Post -Ad 79. Roman Glass from Campania: the assemblage from the villa baths at Masseria De Carolis (Pollena Trocchia). A preliminary Report ( Th. M. Penn)

Note sull' agro di Cicciano nell' antichità (W. Johannowsky)

Mario Grimaldi, Pictores. Mani d' artista, dagli aff reschi pompeiani alla pittura contemporanea, Napoli 2016 (A. Varone)
Anna Rocco, Catalogo della suppellettile bronzea di uso domestico del Museo Nazionale di Napoli, Napoli 2017 (Presentazione, G. Cerulli Irelli)
G.V. Pelagalli, M. Di Gerio, Il cane nell' arte pompeiana, Napoli 2017 (A. Anastasio)
Alessandro Gallo, Pompei. La monumentale dimora degli Epidii (IX 1, 20), Napoli 2013 (Laurentino García y García)
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