Sunday 17 May 2015

News: Giuliano Volpe, ex-rettore of the University of Foggia, criticizes targeting American Universities with denial of excavation permits at last moment.

News: Giuliano Volpe, ex-rettore of the University of Foggia, criticizes targeting American Universities with denial of excavation permits at last moment.

For the past two or three years it has been increasingly difficult for university excavations in general to get excavation permits, even for long term continuing projects. The charge from MiBAC, not totally without justification, is that some excavations do not consign their data and reports in a timely manner to their superintendancy or share their results. The point is made in this blog by ex-rettore Volpe that a regular process of review is necessary, and that waiting till the last minute to grant or deny a permit is costly to universities whose preparatory classes have concluded and where students and others have already committed to summer work and bought air tickets.!/463/

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