Friday, 30 October 2015
Vesuvian Archaeology Summer School 14-18 March 2016
The deadline
for applications for the Vesuvian Archaeology Summer School 14-18 March
2016 is approaching. The
Herculaneum Society is able to offer
a number of scholarships of €250 to participate in this excellent
week-long session, which is already accessibly priced. Please let your
students know. Details on the Society's website,
Herculaneum Society awards
The Herculaneum Society is pleased to announced three
awards of £1,000 each for postgraduate students to conduct research on
Herculaneum and related topics. One or more of the awards will be for
Herculaneum papyrology, in collaboration
with the Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi (
Further details may be found on the Society's website,
The deadline for applications is 15 December 2015.
Event: Pompei, un grande cantiere - 30 ottobre 2015, Milano
Pompei, un grande cantiere per la conoscenza, la conservazione, la fruizione
Nel corso dell’incontro verranno presentati i risultati del Grande Progetto Pompei relativi al piano delle opere, ovvero agli interventi che stanno interessando le strutture archeologiche sia in termini di restauro sia di messa in sicurezza. Saranno inoltre illustrati il piano della conoscenza finalizzato all’indagine completa dell’area archeologica e al suo monitoraggio, che prevede anche la realizzazione di un archivio informatico, il piano della sicurezza, il piano della fruizione e della comunicazione, per la valorizzazione del sito attraverso la creazione di nuovi itinerari di visita accessibili a tutti, anche a persone diversamente abili o con difficoltà motorie, oltre al miglioramento dei servizi al pubblico.
D. CC Giovanni Nistri - Direttore Generale del Grande Progetto Pompei
Prof. Massimo Osanna - Soprintendente Speciale per Pompei Ercolano e
More information here
Sunday, 25 October 2015
What's New on pompeiiinpictures in October 2015
What's New on pompeiiinpictures in October 2015
Now we are back in the UK, our house bought, moved into and sorted, our first priority was a quick trip to Italy. As result we have new villas and pictures to add to the site.
The first major new addition is the Villa of Poppea at Oplontis.
See Villa of Poppea on
All 99 rooms in the villa are covered (apart from a couple of inaccessible ones) and a full interactive plan is included.
We have set out the pages of this villa so that you can first go through and see the photographs of the 99 rooms in number sequence.
After this are more
Jashemski excavation photographs arranged by year so that you can see the villa
as it emerges from the lapilli over the years, and also follow the excavation
and casting techniques used.
To make them easier to use we have created fewer pages, with more photos per page, so they may take a little longer to load if you have slower broadband.
Guided Visit to Villa della Pisanella scavi
We have received notification from Siti Reale (who cover the Bourbon Royal Sites) of a guided visit to the excavation site of the Villa della Pisanella on the 1st November 2015.
10:00 Raduno a Piazza Vargas nei pressi dell’edicola- Boscoreale (NA)
Alla fine della visita guidata allo Scavo di Villa Pisanella spostamento con le proprie auto presso l’Antiquarium di Boscoreale in via Settetermini, 15, Località Villa Reggina, Boscoreale NA
12:30 conclusione attività
Contributo organizzativo: euro 8,00 / soci Siti Reali euro 7,00 esibire la tessera socio valida per l’anno in corso
N.B. La PRENOTAZIONE È OBBLIGATORIA via mail o telefono (fino ad esaurimento posti). Tramite mail inviare nome, cognome, numero di cellulare e numero di prenotanti. Si prega di prenotare entro il giorno precedente le visite così da consentirci il raggiungimento del numero minimo partecipanti.
You can download full details from the Siti Reale web site at Villa della Pisanella scavi and Boscoreale Antiquarium details
To see the Siti Reale programme of other events Siti Reale full programme
Thursday, 22 October 2015
New edition of the journal 'Vesuviana'
A new edition of the journal Vesuviana has come out containing the following articles:
Dora D'Auria, Fabrizio Pesando, Pompei. Nuovi dati sulle terme private nel II secolo a.C.: il balneum della Protocasa del Granduca Michele;
Francesco Marcattili, L'altare del Vicus Sandaliarius e il culto della Fortuna Augusta. Da Roma a Pompei nel 2 a.C.;
Domenico Camardo, Mario Notomista, Le latrine di Herculaneum. Studio dei sistemi igienici di una città romana.
I can't resist sharing one of the images from the Herculaneum latrines article showing the use of a public latrine :)
Dora D'Auria, Fabrizio Pesando, Pompei. Nuovi dati sulle terme private nel II secolo a.C.: il balneum della Protocasa del Granduca Michele;
Francesco Marcattili, L'altare del Vicus Sandaliarius e il culto della Fortuna Augusta. Da Roma a Pompei nel 2 a.C.;
Domenico Camardo, Mario Notomista, Le latrine di Herculaneum. Studio dei sistemi igienici di una città romana.
I can't resist sharing one of the images from the Herculaneum latrines article showing the use of a public latrine :)
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
New articles in JRA
Out now in the Journal of Roman Archaeology:
D. Camardo and M. Notomista, The roof and suspended ceiling of the marble room in the House of the Telephus Relief at Herculaneum.
M.A. Anderson, Public buildings and private opportunities: some dynamics in Pompeii's urban development.
M.L. Thomas, Oplontis B: a centre for the distribution and export of Vesuvian wine.
Fascicule 2, Reviews:
E. Dwyer, The provenance of artifacts discovered on the Vesuvian sites between 1738 and c.1860.
E.K. Gazda and L.J. McAlpine, The 'Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor' at Boscoreale: putting it all together.
P. Keegan, The 'graffiti experience' at Pompeii.
C.C. Mattusch, Architecture and luxury on the Bay of Naples.
D. Camardo and M. Notomista, The roof and suspended ceiling of the marble room in the House of the Telephus Relief at Herculaneum.
M.A. Anderson, Public buildings and private opportunities: some dynamics in Pompeii's urban development.
M.L. Thomas, Oplontis B: a centre for the distribution and export of Vesuvian wine.
Fascicule 2, Reviews:
E. Dwyer, The provenance of artifacts discovered on the Vesuvian sites between 1738 and c.1860.
E.K. Gazda and L.J. McAlpine, The 'Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor' at Boscoreale: putting it all together.
P. Keegan, The 'graffiti experience' at Pompeii.
C.C. Mattusch, Architecture and luxury on the Bay of Naples.
Friday, 16 October 2015
News: Pompeii thieves claim relics are cursed
graet story circulating in Italian and English at the moment. Here is one version from The Local:
Pompeii thieves claim relics are cursed
Tourists who have stolen relics from Pompeii often send back their loot, with some claiming the artefacts are cursed, according to the site's archaeological superintendent Massimo Osanna.
In recent years, the site has received around a hundred packages returning stolen relics, which are often accompanied by letters explaining that the items have brought the thieves nothing but bad luck.
“They write that the stolen pieces have brought them nothing but trouble,” Osanna told Corriere Della Sera.
“They say they can trace back all their family troubles to their theft at Pompeii."
Read the full article here.
Friday, 9 October 2015
Blog Post: D is for Decidius
By Virginia Campbell at Pompeian Networks:
D is for DecidiusRead the full blog post here.
Unlike some letters, there are not many examples of family names found in Pompeii that begin with a D. There is one, however, the Decidii, that though small in terms of the epigraphic material, is rather interesting for the fact that one member appears to be the subject of adoption. Generally speaking, in the Roman world, adoption was not something that concerned young children, but was an act carried out in adulthood in order to create a male heir when there was none. This could be for financial or political reasons, but was, in most cases, an attempt to create a legacy, perpetuating a family name when no male issue existed. Typically, this was done when one had something besides just a name to leave behind – wealth, power, or influence. This appears to be the case for a Decidius, who through adoption becomes the first (epigraphically) known member of another gens, one that eventually is one of the most powerful in Pompeii.
Thursday, 8 October 2015
News: Pompei. La Casa di Cecilio Giocondo rivive in un 3D svedese
From ECampania:
Pompei. La Casa di Cecilio Giocondo rivive in un 3D svedeseRead the full article here.
L’Istituto Svedese per gli Studi Classici di Roma ha illustrato il progetto agli scavi
E’ stato presentato all’Auditorium degli scavi di Pompei nel corso di una giornata di studi dedicata il progetto Swedish Pompeii Project programma di ricerca e documentazione digitale dell'insula V,1 dell’area archeologica a cura dell’Istituto Svedese per gli Studi Classici di Roma e diretto dalla Professoressa Anne-Marie Leander Touati, dell’Università di Lund, Svezia.
Il progetto relativo ad attività di scavo e documentazione, condotto in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia, si è basato su un utilizzo intenso delle tecnologie informatiche, consentendo mediante uso di strumenti di scansione 3D a interferenza di fase e riprese fotografiche, la digitalizzazione dell'intera insula e in particolare della Casa di Cecilio Giocondo.
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
News: Napoli. Una mostra per omaggiare Ercolano
From ECampania:
Napoli. Una mostra per omaggiare ErcolanoRead the full article here.
“Una storia nel tempo”: all'Istituto di Studi filosofici un mese di eventi
Un omaggio al fascino di Ercolano, città d’arte e tra le dieci finaliste per aggiudicarsi l’assegnazione di “Capitale della Cultura 2016”.
Sarà aperta al pubblico dal 7 ottobre al 6 novembre 2015 presso la sede dell’Istituto Italiano per gli studi Filosofici la mostra “Ercolano, una storia nel tempo: testimonianze di filosofi e sguardi di artisti”. La mostra propone anche attività collaterali lungo i 30 giorni di esposizione. Infatti il 9 ottobre si terrà il concerto del Maestro Michele Campanella, mentre il 23 ottobre ad esibirsi a partire dalle ore 18.30 saranno i Quintango.
Monday, 5 October 2015
Sunday, 4 October 2015
New paper: 'Le evidenze greche e romane nell’Insula Episcopalis di Napoli: una nuova ricostruzione storico-strutturale'
The western Insula Episcopalis of Naples is an archaeological site of great value in order to reconstruct the history of Neapolis. The first phase of construction is a large orthostatic wall with a drainage channel dating to the 4th century BC. Later the wall suffered a collapse, but we don’t know exactly when it happened. In the first half of the 1st century AD (probably in the first quarter of the century), when Naples became a municipium, a thermal bath was built above the wall. At the end of the 3rd-4th century AD a wall in opus vittatum was built in the south-east corner of the bath and the Aurelius Eutycianus’ leaden fistula was placed at the same point, recording the transformation of the original character of the thermae. Finally, the orthostatic wall and the bath were completely obliterated by the early Christian buildings, the Basilica of Santa Restituta and the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Fonte.
Saturday, 3 October 2015
New book: 'Pompei, Italia'
For those who missed its publication over the summer: one of Italy's leading journalists - Francesco Erbani - in the culture sector has just written a book called: 'Pompei, Italia', which attempts to look behind the headlines of recent years to understand the problems related to Pompeii's management and conservation. In doing so, Erbani describes Pompeii within the larger context of Italy's public administration and problems on a national scale - Pompeii becomes a symbol of Italy's cultural heritage in general and the state of the nation.
See a short video where the author describes his book:
Friday, 2 October 2015
News: Pompei: nuovo scavo restituisce le Terme Repubblicane
From ECampania:
Pompei: nuovo scavo restituisce le Terme RepubblicaneRead the full article here.
Progetto Università Berlino, Oxford University e Soprintendente
Gli Scavi di Pompei non smettono mai di stupire. L’area archeologica alle falde del Vesuvio restituisce un’altra straordinaria testimonianza della città che fu. Un nuovo scavo, infatti, restituisce le Terme Repubblicane, il quinto dei complessi termali identificati all'interno del sito archeologico e presumibilmente il più antico.
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