I'm hoping that the BP community can help me make a better representation of the AD 79 topography of Pompeii. The map above shows both the progress made so far and the areas that are not represented in enough detail, or covered at all. The contours are based on published sources of elevation data (blue dots). In this image, the data is from the map in H. Eschebach 1995, but clearly more points are needed, especially within the insulae (rather than in the streets), near to the city walls, and outside those walls.
What are your recommendations for more published elevation data sources? Do any of you have unpublished data that you'd be willing to share (you'd be appropriately credited and thanked, of course)?
Thanks for your help!
Halsted B. Van der Poel and the Researches in Campanian Archaeology (RICA) did detailed topographical studies and published their work in a set of wonderful maps at 1:1000 scale. This was back in the 1980s. Only 1,000 sets were published and most went to libraries and universities around the world. I own a set that I found on Ebay for a very reasonable price (US$100). - Ross
Thank you Ross.
I own a few volumes of the CTP as well, happily one is IIIA, which has the insula maps of the first 5 regions. This does not have any elevation data that I see. Do any of the volumes you have include such elevation information?
- EP
The SAP has a full set of elevations, dating from the 1990s (I seem to remember, but might be wrong). Perhaps they might share? Prof. Varone is in charge at the moment, while we await the appoinment of a new Super.
There is a very recent set of elevation points from the SANP. For further information see: R. Morichi-R. Paone-P. Rispoli-F.Sampaolo, Nuova Cartografia di Pompei, in: P.G. Guzzo - M.P. Guidobaldi (Hrsg.), Nuove ricerche archeologiche nell’area vesuviana (scavi 2003-2006), Convegno Internazionale, Roma 1.-3. Februar 2007 (Roma 2008), 554-555.
Hello, Eric:
Not familiar with IIIA - a later edition? I have III (1984, ISBN 0-930084-03-9) that has seven HUGE maps. Map III shows the western half of the ruins; Map IV the eastern. They are both chock full of contour lines and elevation data points within the insulae and on the streets.
I just did a quick search online and found a bookseller in Iowa, USA who is selling the same set I own for US$150. Here is the link... http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?sts=t&tn=rica+maps+of+pompeii&x=0&y=0
It looks, though, as if Jo and Pia are aware of more recent and possibly more extensive and accessible elevation data sources...?
- Ross
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