Friday 11 March 2011

Dignitas and infamia: rethinking marginalized masculinities in early Principate

Feitosa, L and Garraffoni, R. S. 'Dignitas and infamia: rethinking marginalized masculinities in early Principate', in: Studia Historica Historia Antigua (SHSA), 28, 2010, pp. 57-73.


This paper focuses in excluded masculinities during the beginning of the Principate. Two interrelated topics will be discussed: first we will focus in two concepts, dignitas and infamia and then we will discuss different types of evidence to understand Roman masculinities. The main idea is to explore how Epigraphy - the graffiti from Pompeii – can contribute to discuss more pluralistic approaches to the Roman masculinities. The Epigraphic evidence is used in this paper to help us to rethink social relationships and Roman identity in a less normative experience and to study excluded past.

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