Two funerary statues dating to the 1st c. BC were found during excavations on Via Nicoterra. The excavations, directed by Tommasina Budetta, began in 2006 - 7, and have uncovered a terraced necropolis. In one part there are inhumations dating to between the 3rd and 1st century BC; in other parts cremations (deposited in jars or wooden boxes). A columella type tomb has also been found, next to an ustrinum. The two statues were found alongside an ancient road. “Questa recente scoperta è particolarmente rilevante – dichiara l’archeologa Budetta – in quanto documenta la continuità dell’insediamento dall’età arcaica a quella romana. Infatti, poco distante furono rinvenute tombe del VI sec. a.C., i cui reperti sono oggi esposti nel locale Antiquarium inaugurato nel 2001 dalla SANP.”
Finds from the tombs have been taken to the local Antiquarium. I was in Vico just yesterday, and my husband and I were lamenting the fact that we never get time to visit the Antiquarium ...
More details about the finds are available from the link above.
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