Saturday 6 November 2010

Collapse in the House of the Gladiators

Sigh, these stories are becoming too frequent ... News from of a collapse in the House of the Gladiators, and initial reports are bad:
NAPOLI, 6 NOV - Non e' crollato solo un muro ma l'intera Domus dei Gladiatori, cosi' chiamata perche' al suo interno si allenavano gli atleti nell'antica Pompei. Il crollo, secondo primi accertamenti, e' avvenuto intorno alle ore 6 ed e' stato notato dai custodi appena arrivati al lavoro verso le ore 7.30. L'area al momento e' transennata e non e' possibile accedere. La Domus e' sulla via principale, via dell'Abbondanza, quella maggiormente percorsa dai turisti, in direzione Porta Anfiteatro. Predisposto un percorso alternativo per i tanti turisti.
Is anyone out there at the moment? Can you post photos?

UPDATE: Another article, with photos, here. It looks like the entire house has collapsed.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Another report claims it is the schola armaturarum that has collapsed, not the House of the Gladiators. There's another photo here.

More photos here.


Unknown said...

Corriere della Sera

Eric Poehler said...

Thank god it happened overnight and no one was injured or killed. Still, my stomach feels like it took a good kicking after reading this.

Maybe there is an intellectual comment to be made, but not until the adrenaline has worn off.

Thanks for the news Jo.

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